Can I create a continuous date column?
Is there a way to make the a date column go all the way down so that it can act as a continuous daily log without having to enter the date every day?
Return Non-Blank Value
Good morning, Community! As IA Compliance20-24 will only have one value, I'm trying to grab that value into the green cell which is the summary of that section. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hello! I'm having an issue in building a formula to trigger an approval request. Here are my 3 columns: [Current Pay], [New Pay], [Pay Increase]. Here's the scenario: IF the New Pay field is not blank, not equal to NA, AND greater than the number in the Current Pay field, the Pay Increase field should equal TRUE. Can…
Roll up based on selection from one column and count of answers across mulitple columns
I created a form to get feedback from 6 different business units regarding 48 different applications. The participants select their business unit name from a single select dropdown. They then rank each application as “Not Used By Myself or My Team”, “I'm Not Sure”, “Not Important”, “A Little Important”, “Somewhat…
Give a Rating of 100% if checkboxes with different conditions
Hello everyone, this is my first post and I hope I could get some help. Im trying to create a formula with the following conditions: 100% rating if the YES chechbox is marked 100% rating is the N/A checkbox is marked 0% rating if the NO chechbox is marked
CONTAINS to count cells with specific string of numbers
Is there a way to use COUNTIFS and CONTAINS to count cells that include a specific string of numbers as well as cells that include that string plus something else? In the example below, I'm trying to count the number of students who are taking the course with the Code "20659," which should include those taking only that…
Formula to pull constant number string from variable text strings
I have a Notes column that often includes between one and five 9-digit number strings somewhere within the text. In Excel, I used the formula below to pull the numbers from the text into one or more subsequent columns. =LET(arr,TEXTSPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(N84,"'"," "),";"," "),","," "),"…
Days left on a Term End Date
Hi all, I was wondering if there is a function that conveys how many days are left for renewal license as seen in the image. Obviously the dates listed have been expired & I was wondering if a negative positive function can be conveyed as an example -1,847 in the "Days Left Till Expiration" column
Does Smartsheets have a CASE Statement function?
Does Smartsheets have CASE statements? Or am i forced to use nested IF's?
Checkbox formula using =IF(OR
Hi, I am trying to find a formula to check a box based on another cell in the row having either maintenance OR support (along with other text) but keep getting an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error. The formula works perfectly for one criteria i.e. =IF(FIND("Maintenance", $[Item description]@row) >= 1, 1, 0) but when I try to…