Help with COUNTIFS and CHILDREN Function
Hello! I am trying to get a formula to, automatically update status colors for the child and parent. The Parent is distinguished by "Main Project" in the "Project or Task" Column. I would like the Parent Row to update to show the worst status that aligns to the children status (i.e. if all children are green, parent is…
How to look across columns with checkbox data type to make them mutually exclusive?
I have 3 columns in my Project Plan that I am using to have team members fill in to indicate if their task is off track, on track, or complete. I only want them to be able to check one of the boxes. Is there a way to look across these 3 columns in a row to meet the following conditions: If Off track is checked, clear…
Nested IF AND with Multiple logics
Hello Experts, I need to calculate SLA Breach, based on a ticket severity and Number of days consumed. LOW - Greater than - 7 days MEDIUM - Greater than - 4 days HIGH - Greater than - 2 days CRITICAL - Greater than - 1 day Tried the following formula, but I am getting "#Invalid Data Type" error =IF(AND(Severity@row =…
If/Or Formula
Hi there, I need assistance on this formula: =IF(OR([ Company’s intellectual property Co-owned]@row = "No", [ Company’s intellectual property Co-owned]@row = "Unsure"), [First Name]@row + [Last Name]@row + " knows or believes that none of " + [Name of Company]@row + " is co-owned by another person or entity.", IF([…
Return value if conditions are met
I'm working on a project summary report where I want to pull over the {B2B Mktg - Spend} cell of the sheet I'm referencing where the year matches the parent, quarter matches the metric@row and the row level of that other sheet is 1. See the summary snapshot and formula attempt below. What am I missing? =IF(AND({B2B Mktg -…
Can I use a workflow to add a Funtion into a column based on other columns data?
This idea is to pull text from one column to another; examplet Below Primary Column: Country Names Child Primary Column: Secondary Project Workflow 1: When a new row is added, place formula to pull text from Child row into new column Workflow 2: When new column is added, place formula to pull data from Parent row into new…
Average when there are blank cells
I am trying to average a column that lists the projects duration......some of the cells in this colum are blank, how do I average this? =AVG({Master Summary Duration}, IF(ISBLANK({Master Summary Duration}))? So lost....
Formula to check whether or not a cell has been hyperlinked
I am trying to create a helper column that checks whether a cell in a nearby column ("Project" in this case) has been hyperlinked or not. I want to return 1 if True or 0 if False. Something like this: =IF(CONTAINS("http", Project@row), 1, 0) However, when I hyperlink using the menu dropdown (see attached image), this…
My Today Formula is coming up as #Unparseable ...
=SUMIFS(Mission:Mission, [RLO Receive Date]:[RLO Receive Date], ≥TODAY(-360)) Not sure what Im missing here? Anyone had any advice?
If its Blank Formula
Hi There, I need assistance on ItsBlank formula. Formula I currently have that isn't working =IF(ISBLANK([Other Concerns]@row), [Name of Company]@row + "presently had no other comments or concerns.").",If [Name of Company]@row="1" +[Name of Company]@row+ "also responded that"+[Other Concerns]@row)) My Output information:…