IF/THEN/Else with Dates
Hi All! I'm needing to create a column date formula for if appointment type = a or b, then Report Due Date = Appt Date + 60; and if Appointment Type = anything else, then report due date = appt date + 30. Based on answers to other similar questions, here is what I have so far: =IF(APPOINTMENT_TYPE@ROW="SIBTF_-_INITIAL",…
Auto checkbox formula when cell contains multiple values
Hello! I am trying to create a formula that automatically check the box if the "Year upgrade or addition" cell contains the year 2012 or later. In my screenshot, you can see this cell contains the years 2007 and 2016. Since 2016 matches my criteria, I need the ADA Complaint? column to be checked. I tried =IF([Year upgrade…
Find Unassigned Team with JOIN(COLLECT(
[Allocated Team] is the team that the project has said they need and at what allocations they need them, JOIN(COLLECTed from the children of this parent row =JOIN(COLLECT(DESCENDANTS([Employee Name]@row), DESCENDANTS([Start Date]@row), @cell < TODAY(), DESCENDANTS([End Date]@row), @cell > TODAY()), CHAR(10)). [Assigned…
IF Formula to give me a $ amount when criteria's are met
I am working on a calculation model for my company and essentially I am looking for Smartsheet to give me the following information. I currently have the formula for the first part figured out, I need help with the 2nd part. If the "Quantity is <= 10 the amount should come out to $13,500.00 I need this formula to multiply…
SUMIF Using criteria from the Sheet Summary
Hi, I have a sheet that captures hours from a vendor. Hours and rework counts (number of times an issue goes into rework) are entered. I need to sum hours and rework counts for the previous month. I have a calculation in the sheet summary the takes the year and month and forms a YYYY-MM field. I am comparing this sheet…
Formula Needed: Formula needed in a Date field of the Sheet Summary (v-lookup almost?)
I need help creating a formula that will link the "Key Date" from the Project Intake Sheet to the launched project within the Sheet Summary field. Essentially, it needs to be able to link back to the Project Intake Sheet and search for the coordinating Project Name to identify the row it will need to pull the data from,…
Does SUMIF not work if criteria is a text result of a formula?
I have dates in the Feature Added column, 02/15/2022, 02/05/2022 etc. I use a formula in my Feature Month column to convert those dates to mmdddd =IFERROR(RIGHT("00" + MONTH([Feature Added]@row), 2) + "" + YEAR([Feature Added]@row), "") So my Feature Month column contains 022022, 022022 etc I have an Effort column. It…
If Formula
Hi there, I need assistance on this IF formula. Formula I have: =IF([Company represented by an attorney]@row = "Yes", "Yes" +[Name of Company]@row + " Has signed contract with others. The purpose of the contract was" +[What was the purpose of such contracts?]@row + " has signed contracts with others. ", IF([Company…
Sumif assistance needed
Hello, I think it's a sum if formula I need.... If the source column says "external review" and another column called Significance says "Major" I want to return a date of +60 days to the date within column Closed date.
Flagging a Date and Time Overlap
Hello, I have a situation where we teach virtual classes that are each approximately 2- 4 hours in length, start and end at various times each day, and each requires a unique conference phone line dedicated to the class. We can teach as many as 6 to 8 classes in a day, but only have 4 conference lines. I'm trying to write…