Count children but only some of them
How should this formula look if I want to only count children that are 'Open'? ="Project stage name - " + COUNT(CHILDREN()) I am using on the parent row in a project risk register so I can collapse stages not reached to focus on the risks for the current stage. However, some of the risks in the current stage are now…
index match formula not returning what I intended it
Dear All, Could you please help me with this formula? =INDEX({Project Plan - Task name}, MATCH([Start Date]@row, {Project Plan Range 1}, 0)) I wanted to show TASK NAME (from project plan) on the RACI file. What the formula seems to be returning is the name of item in either the Parent or the Tollgate/Phase column. Thank…
SUMIFS with 9 criteria
I am trying to sum specific values based on a dropdown list in one column and display that sum in another column. I have an "Amount" column , a "Total Final OEP 0708 Cost Center Spent" column , and a "Cost Center" dropdown column. I want to sum CHILD rows in column "Amount" based on the drop down option that is selected.…
Free Float [Slack] Formula
Calculate the float (or slack) between the task and the next successor task. If there are multiple successors, then it will select the one with the closest start date. Free Float (FF): The amount of time that a schedule activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of any immediately following schedule…
Formal to Count for Past Year
I'm stuck trying to get a look back count of requests in the past year. For some reason the formula is coming back with 39 instead of the actual 32. Any ideas? Any help to also exclude the current month would be great! =IFERROR(COUNTIFS({Legal Pending Requests Range 1}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) <= MONTH(TODAY(-365)),…
Help with Auto Number column formula
Hello, I've pretty new with Smartsheets and most of the time I try to use the examples from other posts that I have seen others put up in order to solve most of the problems that I have. Unfortunately, I cant seem to get this problem to work. I have 3 sheets, Source, Helper, and Destination sheets for an Onboarding project…
Vacation Days Formula - calculating half days
Hi, I am trying to incorporate 0.5 days of annual leave into my vacation tracker. I have the forumla =NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]@row, [End Date]@row, {Bank Holiday Lookp}) to calculate overall number of days out (minus public holidays). From this total I then want to include any 0.5 days from this when 'half day requested'…
"date created" and use "date closed" to see how many days the case was open?
Hellow I'm asking for help with a Smartsheet's formula. I want to take "date created" and use "date closed" to see how many days a case is open. How do I write the formula for that? I'm placing this formula in a calc sheet thats pulling data from the data sheet. I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Have a great day!
Is the a formulas that counts cells? Sheet limit question
Hi, I was wondering if there a formula that can count the number of cells in a sheet? I'm trying to make sure we don't go over Smartsheet limits. Also do the sheet limits count all cells in a row or only those cell with information in them? Thank you Kim
Trying to find total spent by month
I am trying to find a formula for my calculations sheet to show how much was spent during each month. Below is a snippet of the Maintenance Tracking Sheet that my team uses to track each invoice (this will be the reference sheet). I have tried numerous formulas and none have worked. For example, how much was spent if the…