Date Comparison Formula Help
I am a SmartSheet novice, but my team is used to base tracking in SmartSheet. I would like to set up conditional formatting that highlights if a site's planned schedule puts the site at risk. I would like to compare two columns: "Construction Schedule: Turnover to Retail Date" against "Exterior Installation: Scheduled…
Merged: Formulas in automation
This discussion has been merged.
Change 'Status' Column based on date past
Hello, I've searched for this a few times but cannot find a solution that fits what I require. I am trying to update a status column to show 'Being Reconciled' when a date column is in the past. The automation feature doesn't seem to work unless rows are being manually changed. I've created a helper (=IF(TODAY() >…
Formula to Handle SLA Due Date vs Campaign Start Date
Hi, Smartsheet Community! 👋 This is my first post. Thanks in advance to anyone offering help. Much appreciated! Lots of text ahead but I'm trying to include all relevant details and context. SITUATION We recently launched a new digital marketing request form. On the request form, there are fields for Campaign Type and…
True value if during the last 12 months
Hi all, I keep getting turned around in trying to build a formula to return a true value if the year/month is within the last 12 months. What I would like to do is check off which rows should be included in the rolling report so that as the year goes on, the last 12 months are always checked. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
COUNTIFS formula looking at date columns in a reference sheet
I used the Inspection Tracking template set a base. I liked it as a starting point, and added expiration dates. Looking at the metrics sheet provided, it uses this formula to look at the number of violations per month. I also want to see the number of date violations that occurred per month. Date violations would be…
How to change cell value from another sheet
Hello! Basically, I have an automation set up to send anything that is on Backorder (when B/O is checked) copy it from my "Open Orders" sheet to my "Backorder Clip" sheet. I have two questions regarding this. How do I set a formula that will apply any changes made to my "Backorder Clip" sheet rows will automatically update…
Check Box if B/O Qty is > 0 OR Status column says "Backorder"
Hello, I have been messing with this formula forever and I feel like I am just barely missing the mark, but cannot seem to figure it out nonetheless. GOAL: If column: "B/O Quantity" = 0 check the box, OR IF column: "Status" says "Backorder" check the box. If both instances occur still check the box. Okay, the formula I…
Invalid Reference issue
I have a sheet where I am pulling data from 3 different sheets into. After a while (eg. if im coming back on to smartsheet) #Invalid ref error appears in all my cells. How do i resolve this without having to edit the formula and relinking the sheets?
average formula is not working to calculate total retention and total turnover
First row is retention rate and second row is turnover and it keeps giving me an error. Below is the formula i am using for average this is the formula i used to get turnover percentage: But every time I put the average I get an error. Can somebody please help.