How to reference entire column from another sheet
Hi, I'm new to smartsheet and i would like to know how can i reference an entire column from another sheet, no criteria needed. I just want to return the data from sheet 1 column 1 to sheet 2 column 1, is there a simple way to achieve this? I have tried to use =INDEX({SHEET 1 RANGE 1}, 1), it will only return data from the…
Hello. Is there currently anyway to do timestamping in Smartsheets? For instance, timestamping a cell when a tick box cell is ticked? Thanks Andrew
Looking to auto populate red flag for overdue invoice
Im having trouble figuring out a formula to create a flag in the overdue column when the due date is in the past and the status is pending or delayed. Flag needs to disapper once status changes to paid Picture for reference
Concatenate formula with IFBLANK
We are trying to move some of our more complex templates into Smartsheet but we're having trouble converting the concatenate with blank formulas from excel into smartsheet. For example we have this formula in excel =IF(M2="","New",M2), and all I can seem to get to in Smartsheet is =IF(ISBLANK([If nothing is indicated,…
Is there a Formula (Set of Formulas) that can check multiple dropdowns from other data column?
I have a Metrics sheet in which I'm trying to populate a dropdown list (multiple values) with building types from client portfolios. As an example Client A could have 5 buildings: 3 Office, 1 Industrial, and 1 Warehouse; Client B has only 5 buildings as well: but all are Office. The client buildings are in a sheet with all…
Multiplication formula
I need help multiplying two columns. One is a formula equaling a percentage, the other is the value of another column that is adding multiple columns together. I keep getting in invalid value error. Colum - Probability - with the percentage looks like this: Column - Total Software TCV - with the value that needs to be…
Hiding formula links
Is there a way to hide cross sheet formula links? If you define a reference range on a sheet for vlookups I would rather not see all my columns on the parent sheet filled with little mouseover links. Thanks
Is number rank the numbers
Is it possible to insert a formula to say if a column is a number rank the numbers, if not leave blank? I tried =IF(ISNUMBER([Column to Rank]@row, (RANKEQ([Column to Rank]@row, [Column to Rank]:[Column to Rank]), "")) and it didn't work. FYI the [Column to Rank] column contains a formula. Thank you!
Send an e-mail when a box is checked?
Hello -- Very new user here. I have a general technology knowledge, however, I'm having a logistical brain fog at the moment. Could I use an IF THEN statement to send an e-mail notification when a Box is checked? paint drawing (don't have any other fancy program on my work laptop haha) for explanation. Thank you!!
Index and Match to return match with non-blank cell
We have product lists, sometimes the description for a product is 20+ lines long. I'm trying to get the important items, such as fire rating to float to the top of those 20 rows. In the example below all of the rows highlighted in yellow are for one product. I'd like to get the Fire Rating data to pull into the same row as…