Summary Sheet Formula - Count 2 Selections from a drop-down in the same Column

Hi, I am trying to count both "YES READY" and "YES READY NO SHIELDS DUE TO CREDIT HOLDS" in a Summary Formula. This is a drop-down in a column and I am trying to include both in a summary formula.


Best Answer

  • Melissa Yamada
    Melissa Yamada ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Melanie PLU

    If you're using a multi-select dropdown column try:

    =COUNTIFS([Dropdown Column]:[Dropdown Column], OR(HAS(@cell, "YES READY"), (HAS(@cell, "YES READY NO SHIELDS DUE TO CREDIT HOLDS"))))

    If you're using a single-select dropdown column you can use the above formula or:

    =COUNTIFS([Week # + 1]:[Week # + 1], OR(@cell ="YES READY",@cell ="YES READY NO SHIELDS DUE TO CREDIT HOLDS"))

    Melissa Yamada
    Data made simple, spreadsheets reimagined


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