COUNTIFS for Escalation Tracking

I am looking to create a formula that counts the how many times over the last 12 months escalations of a certain deal size occurred. Deal size is represented as range of AUM in text format. The current formula I'm using is

=COUNTIFS({Escalations Range 1}, "75M - 150M", {Escalations Range 2}, >TODAY(-365))

I created a formula to count all deals within the 75M - 150M range but when I try to introduce the date component I get errors.

See the attached screenshots referencing the columns.

Thanks for helping


  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Strange. Nothing jumps out in your formula.

    If you just count dates - does that work or error out? Is that column formatted as a date type? Is there anything else in that column that is not a date? Do both cross sheet ranges match? That's all I can think of to check again.

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