Highlight cell feature (Background Color)
I like to highlight cells and also turn off the highlighting manually to track revisions. It would be great if I could easily toggle between the two. Normal operation: When highlighter (cell fill) is set to color and I select an uncolored cell, it will fill with color. Feature: Highlighter remains selected with color.…
Dashboard Printing from Desktop App
When using a browser to print, you are allowed some scaling options when printing. However, this is not present when using the desktop app. Can that be added to allow? Especially when using the PDF generator function, now printing from desktop app makes the dashboard print, useless.
Fields on a Form
I have been using smarsheet for some time and it's really helpful. However each time I need to make small changes on the forms it is very frustrating that each field uses an entire line. Some fields require info that is one word why must I use an entire line creating an unnecessarily long form. Can this be changed to allow…
Merged: Cell Borders
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Upload Photo feature for Smartsheet Forms
This discussion has been merged.
Set Contact field display type to name or email
When using Assigned To or any other contact field across a large number of sheets, and then aggregating that data in a report or pivot that groups by the contact field, it becomes quickly painful that the same contact appears as both their email address and their name, depending on how someone entered them into the Contact…
Institutional Partnership: PMI and IIC
It could be great if Smartsheet, as an organization could partner with the Project Management Institute (PMI) and the Institute for Internal Controls (IIC) for great collaboration on projects standardization and many other areas. Thank you, Hector J. Arocha
Visability Menu for the columns of a sheet
A menu option for a sheet where you can control the order columns are in, and if the column is hidden or not would be very useful for large sheets. Thanks
Submit Email through form
Hello team! It's possible to drag and drop email correspondence into a sheet as an attachment. Are you able to make it possible to do the same through a form? That would be life changing!!
Add Spellcheck
It would be great if there was a spellcheck feature so you can spellcheck a whole document at one time.