Like Button / Acknowledgement emojis for Comments
Would love to be able to acknowledge a comment/callout within the conversation feature without that action over-riding what appears on the Latest Comment column. i.e i want to acknowledge that i am being tasked with something via the conversation feature by entering a "thumbs up" or "eyes" emoji, without having to override…
Open in New Window option for Summary Sheet-based Reports
For reports sourcing from Sheet Summary Data, you would like to be able to: right-click the Sheet Name link and "open in a new window" You could do this only if the the report is Row-Report sourced. Would like the same functionality for a Summary Sheet Report.
Please add a ROW() Function
This simple function would enable (or simplify) formulas. Autonumbering is the current alternative but requires a column and is clunky. ROW() is helpful to grab cross-sheet data via INDEX when there are multiple sheets with the same row structure but different access permissions.
Back to Basics: Formatting in Request Approval
Hi The format of the request is basic and doesn't allow any areas of importance to be highlighted. having the ability to add a single colour and highlight / bold / italics / underline would enhance the request. In this example, not being able to bold the two of the words and change the colour means they can get missed.…
Merged: Filters - Checkbox to show child rows
This discussion has been merged.
Dropdown options for approval workflows
For the approval automations/workflows that send out emails to specific personel with the option to approve or decline a request, it would be super helpful if SS would allow users to provide a dropdown list of standard rejection reasons. I work on a team that when a new request comes to Finance we have a list of 5 reasons…
Enable Workspace Modification
Allow an Admin to modify the sidebars (e.g. Browse, Workspace Shared To) to accommodate better visibility to the main space. This should be a simple "Hide" or "Move" the bar to the left or right. The current structure makes the workspace less than optimal.
Search content in attachments
It would be great to be able to search the contents of an attachment, especially in the policy module. Example - If you need to know the policy language for USB use. What policies address USB use and you could search on that information which is only in the attached policy not in the policy pilar etc.
Create Bridge Trigger when Project Created in Control Center
There is no way to automatically add a trigger in bridge. If we were to create a bridge workflow that updates a control center created project, we would have to manually update the triggers in Bridge every time a new project is created. It would be helpful if Control Center could be integrated with Bridge in a way that a…
Toolbar - Customize
Hi, I'd be interested to be able to personalise the toolbar. Currently the outdent button is close too the filter drop down list and creates havoc with personnel clicking it and creating parent summary rows invertedly. Unfortunately, we cannot lock everyone out...