Sum of column values that come from function formula
I have created a formulation of a drop down with prices associated with each selection that population on a different column: =IF([Repairs Needed]@row = "Tuck Point", "125", IF([Repairs Needed]@row = "Tuck Point Panel", "450", IF([Repairs Needed]@row = "Tuck Point Column", "150", IF([Repairs Needed]@row = "Tuck Point Major…
Let folders be folders!
Let at least JPEG/PDF files be uploaded to a folder without a sheet. It is assanin to have to create a sheet to add an attachment that you have to REDOWNLOAD in order to use/export. Why not just allow a folder to have a normal folder use and upload images if I can't even export the attachments off the sheet without having…
Dashboard Graphs with many columns/Bars
Is there a way to have a select all or a drop down menu in the legend to allow for just 1 item to be seen in the graphs. I know currently you can click individually on each one to turn them off however it can take quite a bit of time when there are 15+ datasets. I have been looking through all of the widget settings but…
Can Smartsheets talk to each other?
I am new to Smartsheet. It seems super user-friendly, and I love that, but I don't have any previous experience with the software. I belong to a team of administrators who oversees the progression of an Apprenticeship Program within our organization. The process is lengthy, time specific, date sensitive, and very fluid.…
Anyone using https://www.colabsoftware.com/ along with Smartsheet? We likely will be using ColabSoftware side by side with Smartsheet and any tips and tricks would be appreciated.
Silent Update - Free User Attachment File Size Restrictions
Hello, Has there been any updates restricting file size attachments for free or unpaid users to sheets they are shared to? I have had a few reports that this may be the case. But I can't find any information on the matter. Thanks,
Sharepoint embedded into smartsheet error refuses to connect
Sharepoint hosts our powerBI content - we have embedded that link into our smartsheets dashboard via a web content widget. Everything was working prior to yesterday morning, now we are receiving an error companyname.sharepoint.com refuses to connect has anyoen received this error? and how do I resolve this? Sharepoint.com…
How to cross reference dates on a master sheet and then edit those dates on different worksheet?
Total noob here. I have a master sheet with 4 critical dates in regards to completing a major project (new restaurant opening). The critical dates are subject to change as some parts of the project are subject to be delayed due to construction, permits, etc. I would like to only have to change the dates on the master…
Cannot transfer sheet ownership
I am trying to transfer sheet ownership to an existing collaborator who is already an Admin. This message appears "This user cannot accept ownership at this time. Please retain your ownership or select a different user." Any ideas why this can't be done?
How can I get the sum of one column meeting two conditions
Trying to get multiple conditions and sum up total billable. Where Manager = John Smith in one column and Invoice Date = January in another column Getting the #UNPARSEABLE error =SUMIFS(AND(Manager:Manager, "John Smith", Invoice Date:Invoice Date, MONTH(@cell) = 1), [Billable Total]:[Billable Total])