Limit View within a Sheet (using Web Forms)
Hello, New to Smartsheet. We would like to utilize a web form to allow customers to place orders/requests whereby the web form would populate the smartsheet for ONLY OUR INTERNAL visibilty/tracking of all requests combined. Currently, when I test this I am brought back into the sheet where I can see ALL requests. Does…
Are there limitations on CheckBox columns?
I imported an XLS file that has 4 columns that I want to convert to checkboxs. When I change the properites on all 4 columns to checkbox, the columns act as if they are text. If I change any of the 4 columns to text, the other 3 will show a checkbox in them. Is there some kind of limitation on the number of checkbox…
Allocation for Project Manager
We are using Smartsheet with Resource Management enabled. We are tracking % allocation for employees and would like to do so for Leads as well. The idea is that the Lead would be allocated for the duration of task consisting of smaller subtasks at, say, 20%. We are using the Basic Project with Resource Management template.…
Merging custom templates and imported excel files
Is it possible to create a custom template, and then import data from an excel file on the custom template?
How to insert a disclaimer in the header
Our Smartsheets are already branded and using our logo in the top right corner. Our Legal Dept wants a visible disclaimer to be shown on each sheet that users cannot share any information on the sheet outside the company. I tried to put the disclaimer in the logo area, but you can't read it. What is the best way to show a…
Holidays over multiple projects
Hello, Is there anyway to default dependences so that when you start a new project sheet the dependences are already set? I am currently setting up multiple projects and having to enter working weeks, hours per day and holidays is quite time consuming.
Reporting tool for invoicing
I run a consulting company and would like to build a sheet where the staff can report on the time they have worked for certain clients. We invoice AM and/or PM blocks, not per hour. I have my clients in a drop down box. How can I make a summary sheet that links to the individual consultant reporting sheets in order to…
Updating Templates
We use Smartsheet to track progress of clients moving through our implementation process. With that, we often make changes to our process and want to add items to our different templates. In order to do so, we have to create the a sheet, make the changes, then save as a template, delete the old template, and repeat five…
Feature Request (2 of them): Use own tempates
Feature Request 1: When I want to use a template, I want to use one I have created. When I select Browse Templates Feature Request 2: I'd like to be able to share the templates in the same way I currently share sheets. Thanks Craig
User Interface
I guess many of you are using Smartsheets to great effect in many different ways. Some of the ways I am configuring it for my clients is to act as a service request/ticketing tool (for cleaning/maintenance tasks). Customers fill in service request forms, which creates a new row in a sheet. There, a manager adds a bunch…