Hello! I have medium to low experience with API connections, so I am mostly trying to make my flows based on guides I am finding online etc. I have built a simple automation that when an email arrives…
How can I use Bridge API Call OR Get Sheet OR another element to obtain the "Created By" metadata for use in a workflow? I see createdBy in the sheets summary in the SDK: sheetSummary - fields But I d…
Automated emails where from a sheet in Smartsheet we send and "order" to Outlook to send an email invite to specific email address for joining a meeting? Or sending the same from Smartsheet directly b…
Across our project portfolio, each project has a main project sheet. This sheet has rows added & deleted as tasks are added or canceled from a project. Individual departments have department specific …
Not really a question but more of a heads up. I had a sheet with almost the max rows and 6 columns and 2 references. Tried to add a column formula and my CPU ran out of memory. After the browser crash…
I have a sheet where i have 2 columns. I have Customer and Item. In Customer Column I have a list of customers already * Customer * * ITEM * row 1 Office row 2 Shop row 3 Logistics row 4 Constructions…
Mods: Don't merge this with 'Outlook Calendar integration showing time of event and not just the day,'. The only similarity that they have is that they deal with the calendar publishing functionality.…
It would be valuable to be able to create and modify dashboard widgets via the API. Currently the only way to bulk update content is via control center, and that still creates copies of the dashboard …
Hi All, I am having an issue with setting the Proxy, it seems RestClient has changed how you set the proxy and this.httpClient.Proxy = proxy; as suggested in the SDK is no longer valid. Is there an up…