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Provide API Access to Upgrade or Downgrade Users under User Subscription Model (USM)

We recently switched over to using USM for license management. This broke our automated scripts that gave users a license. We have a number of non-member employees who we cannot automatically update via the API. I'm told there is no solution for this and we are left manually updating our free users to a licensed member. Please add an API call that allows us to upgrade or downgrade an existing user.

14 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • We need the API updated allow for us to manage the new user subscription model. Specifically, we need the new user types returned from your users endpoint (Member, Provisional Member, Viewer, Guest) along with the supported event counts over a period of time that one of our users took an action that qualified them for that user type so we can manage these outside of Smartsheet. This example below is from the user report, however the aggregated days need to shorter, starting at 30 days, in order to properly manage users in the new model.


    User domain

    User Type

    System Admin

    Group Admin

    Plan Asset Admin

    Number of assets shared with user

    Highest permission given on assets

    Number of assets with Viewer permissions

    Number of assets with Editor or Commentor permissions

    Number of assets with Admin permissions

    Last activity

    Number of asset views (Last 30 days)

    Number of asset views (Last 60 days)

    Number of asset views (Last 90 days)

    Number of asset views (Last 180 days)

    Number of comments (Last 30 days)

    Number of comments (Last 60 days)

    Number of comments (Last 90 days)

    Number of comments (Last 180 days)

    Number of edits (Last 30 days)

    Number of edits (Last 60 days)

    Number of edits (Last 90 days)

    Number of edits (Last 180 days)

    Number of created assets (Last 30 days)

    Number of created assets (Last 60 days)

    Number of created assets (Last 90 days)

    Number of created assets (Last 180 days)

  • edited 02/25/25

    Firmly agreed here, we were recently switched to USM (unfortunately) as well. The "update" has broken our automated processes as well and as a bonus, has given us more work.

    Color me surprised that a company acquired by private equity starts providing worse service for more money.

    The frustration is doubled because the error message points you to things that don't exist within current API documentation.

    "User subscription updates (upgrade/downgrade) cannot be performed through this method. Please use the bulk upgrade/downgrade API"

    Contrary to prior history with Smartsheet, this new model feels like a half baked cash grab that wasn't properly planned or executed, which is more or less in line with what we expect from private equity. Hate to see it; we'll definitely be pushing to move away from Smartsheet ASAP.

  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/11/25

    Definitely need this functionality!

  • edited 03/11/25

    Agreed. This should have been in place before the switch to the new model

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