Hi everyone, What is the expected behaviour of users' assignments when a project is archived in RM ? I assumed assignments (especially current and future) would be removed or stopped counting towards …
How do you go about archiving large data sets from sheets? I know you can create automations to move rows to another sheet but what happens when that sheet gets too large as well? I have thousands of …
How do you go about archiving large data sets from sheets? I know you can create automations to move rows to another sheet but what happens when that sheet gets too large as well? I have thousands of …
You can export the Smartsheet itself or copy rows including notes and attachments into a new Smartsheet but is there a way to export everything including attachments, so the output would be one file f…
Up until just recently (I guess it was a bug) we've been using multiple users in Control Center. And those other users were listed as 'Additional Leads'. They used to be able to run the archiving tool…
Provide a way to bulk archive assets and automatically remove all sharing, deactivate workflows, etc. (similar to Control Center). Current method of manually removing sharing and deactivating workflow…
Hi! I would like to know if it's possible to take my sheets and export (including attachments) into a zip file so that I can save in Sharepoint? I found I can export using data shuttle (or just to exc…
When I archive a project, what happens to any reports that are not set up as Dynamic Reports? Is there a way to automatically continue including them in those non-Dynamic Reports? I know you can retai…
Is there a way to delete multiple Control Center projects at one time? We have passed the recommended limit of 5,000 active and archived projects on a program and would like to delete some projects. T…
We need to archive projects at 100% completion, but we cannot get the archive criteria (see graphic, which identifies no projects for archive) to work correctly. When we use contains 1, projects are l…