Multiple File Upload Fields on Forms
It would be helpful to have the option for multiple file upload fields in forms, for example for photos, so that they could be associated with particular responses and not grouped together.
Block Publishing Blank Reports
I have reports that get emailed to clients weekly, if they don't have any active projects they are receiving blank reports. Ideally, we would be able to stop blank reports from publishing without having to manually stop/start the recurring email each time they have no active projects and instead Smartsheet could pick up…
Batch Convert Attachments to Proofs
I regularly send multiple, separate, files to clients for review and approval. Rather than converting each one and having to invite my client contacts every time, I'd like to select multiple rows and convert them from attachments to proofs, THEN invite my client, in one place.
I need something different than the update request
I use Smartsheet to process requests and want to be able to send back a message, some information in columns and an attachment. I use update request, but don't really need an update. I also wish the message box was a little easier to work with. It's pretty small and I usually have to scroll to type in a complete message.…
Attachment Backup/Download - Smartsheet Line Reference
I am familiar with multiple ways to back up a sheet & comments (download, data shuttle, backup) and I am familiar with multiple ways to back up attachments (download, backup). All good on both fronts. What I'm looking for is some sort of log/txt/csv that references the attachment name AND which line the attachment was…
Folders within row attachments
Sometimes a job has many different types of documentation, it would be nice to not have everything all jumbled together just because it pertains to the same row (job). Organization within each Rows attachments.
PICTURE GALLERY - is there a way?
Is there a way to accomplish something like this? Progress Photos that are better displayed vs. the Sheet File attachments?
Print directly from attachment view?
Hi Smartsheet, Not sure if this is possible but it would save some clicks if there was an option to print directly from the Sheet Attachment view. Screenshots below.
Add Attachments while filing a form
I have a Smartsheet form that my team uses for auditing processes. Is there a way to have a "Upload an attachment" option into the form?
Printing Attachments based on Filter Criteria?
Hi Everyone, I am working to print a selection of attachments from a sheet based on certain criteria. There are several files attached to some of these rows, but i am only wanting to download only the files that were saved between 11/1/2024 and today. I cannot seem to get this to work. I am trying to avoid manually…