Auto Attach a File from Google Drive to a Specific Row
Hi I am wondering if the following would be possible. Auto Attach a PDF file from Google Drive to a Specific Row if the file name and Primary Column Name match. For instance. A file is uploaded to google drive called: SM-15C-PL0022-XFR-PIPE.PDF This name also matched the Primary Column name: SM-15C-PL0022-XFR-PIPE So the…
.WAV Files
Hello, I noticed that I can attach .wav files to the form however when I try to play it, it doesn't work. Anyone know why? Note: The file size is only 590KB. Cheers, David
Dashboards - Linking to Attachments in a Sheet
I downloaded the template set for Policy Governance and Rollout. There is a SHEET called "Policy Governance Inventory," which has great information for tracking policies, their status, etc. The attachment column is great for easy access to each published policy. There is also a Dashboard included in the template set. The…
Form attachment not showing in the Smartsheet grid
I have a form built for incoming requests that includes an attachment field. When the form is submitted, the document does not show in the grid (or any other view) as an attachment. How can I update the form-to-sheet flow to ensure the form's attachment is added to the incoming row?
Row/Column Level Access
I have sheet on which people from multiple departments will have access to. A couple of my requirements: 1) I'd like certain departments to be able to see only the data in specific columns only relevant to them. Is this possible? 2) There are 3-4 attachments that will be added to the rows. I do not want departments having…
Dynamic View - New Item Submission
I'm creating a new view in Dynamic View and I have enabled new item submission as well as user can display and add attachments. Unfortunately when actually drafting a new item submission I do not see an option to add an attachment the same way I would in a traditional form PRIOR to submitting the item. The attachment…
how to link cell attachments to another cell
Hi, is there a way to link cell attachments to another cell? I am essentially trying to create a BOM below an assembly drawing with each of the part drawings, however the part drawings are already saved elsewhere on Smartsheet, so if I create a new cell with these drawing without linking, it is likely that one of the cells…
Count how many jobs start in a month
I am trying to create a formula that counts how many jobs are due to start in a month, that havent already been started. I have created the below formula to try and count the jobs in the current month: =COUNTIFS({Tippa JC Status}, ="", {Tippa Start}, MONTH({Tippa Start}) = MONTH(TODAY())) Then I try and modify it to the…
What is the easiest way to achieve sheets with attachments?
Hello, We have sheets with attachments and would like to archive them for future use. Other than "retiring" them and moving them into a Smartsheet folder, or downloading all the attachments and putting them on a drive, is there a better way? What are the best practices for this? Thank you in advance! ER
Attachments and automation workflows
We currently have PDF attachments to rows in smartsheets that automatically email the row information and attachment to my boss. Currently, the attachment is located at the bottom of the email. Is there a way to move the attachment to the top of the email? In my automated workflow, the attachment is one of the first to be…