Notification except if attachment are available
I want to be able to automate notification to certain users in case a row is modified, but only if this row does not have an attachment. How can I do it? I tried adding a condition to the trigger for notification, but the field "attachment" is not there, so I can't put a condition on the presence/absence of attachment. Any…
Getting attachment when attachment is added or changed to a row.
I dont know much of programming and I am not a developer. But I would really like to get attachments from a row in Smartsheet. Posibly automated, so when attachemnt is added or changed in a row, this triggers API. I was looking for a simpler way to do this, either directly with smartsheet, or with a third app like Zapier.…
Mass file transfer from One Drive folders to Smartsheet Attachments
Hello, I'm wondering if this is possible through the One Drive connector, any automation tool, or API. I have roughly ~1,000 folders in OneDrive, and the folders are named by client ID. Each client has 1 row in a smartsheet tracker, and the primary column is the client ID. The goal is to have all of the attachments in each…
Yet Another Question on Email Attachments
Hi. I'm looking to receive an email notification through a workflow when a row is added. When one of those rows include an attachment, I want to receive that attachment as part of the email. I've seen a few posts about it - and the solution always involves clicking advanced options and marking some checkboxes. For whatever…
Formstack pdf returned to Smartsheet
Our current setup is Smartsheet information to Zapier to Formstack which emails the pdf to us. I would like to have the form sent back to Smartsheet, to cut out the email, & according to Formstack (Overview tab) it is completing this process however the form does not appear in my Smartsheet and I do not find that it has…
Access attachment metadata in Automation?
I have a sheet with multiple users who share attachments with each other. The first user attaches a template to a specific row that the second user downloads, completes, then adds the completed document as an attachment to the same row. I want to set up an workflow that will alert the first user that the second user has…
Is there a way to test to determine if a row includes an attachment?
We would like to be able to send users a reminder that they forgot to attach a file without having to open Smartsheet, look for the attachment and send an update request if the user fails to attach the needed file. Since I can't find a way to reference attachments in an if statement, is there any other way to determine if…
Send as attachment - PDF + Excel ?
Hi Guys Another day another Smartsheet query - is it possible when sending a report as a scheduled attachment to send both the PDF & the Excel in the same email? Or is there a workaround in order to do so? Thanks! :)
Can you automate attachment exporting?
We can export sheet data automatically using tools like Power Query but is there a way to get attachments out of smartsheet and into our server? Or is this something that needs to be done by hand? Thanks
Enforce Unique File Attachments
Previously there was an option to either allow versioning of attached files or to enforce unique entries. I've skimmed through notes and questions and do not see if that is still a capability or if it has been retired. Would appreciate if anyone could point me to the location to make this administrative change to enforce…