Record a date automation isn't working
I set up the automation below, and it's not working. When I change the status of a row to complete, nothing happens. If I go into the automation manager and select "run" or "test" the completion date column fills in with today's date. What am I doing wrong? This should be straight-forward. I've tried building this…
Why is my Smartsheet Automation forms not sending out emails?
Hi there Hoping someone can help me with my Automation forms I am trying to send out to my team for a weekly report I need them to fill out. This is what i have set up below and for some reason whatever I try the notification or emails just aren't sending out to my team and im not sure how to make this work. Please advise.…
Delete Rows using an Automation
Please create automation to delete Rows. Using the move rows automation, we are able to move records to an archive sheet. The problem then becomes we have to manually delete records from the archive sheet.
Copy Rows Action Not Working - Due to Permissions?
I have a Mastersheet who’s automation sends the entered information into a separate automation sheet, based on what's added into 1 specific column. The Mastershee’s automation is not working any longer. Upon checking my permission in all associated sheets, I’m either Owner or Admin. Per website, I should have no problem…
Copy Row automation brings original sheet 'Created date' instead of showing date it was moved
Please help, I have a helper sheet that I am using to capture time stamps of when a row goes to different statuses (ex: capture time stamp when request status changes from: In Review, Pending Response, and Completed). To do that I set up a copy row automation that triggers when those statuses change. Then it copies the row…
Automation - Trigger when date and time reached - change time to 15 min increment
When building automations, the handiest way to test is to set the automation to trigger when a date/time are reached. However, only having the option to set for the hour (6:00, 7:00, 8:00, etc), means that after testing, and discovering a tweak needs to be made, one must wait until the next hour to test again. This results…
Merged: Able to set Automation to Half hour intervals
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Subject: UI/UX Improvement Suggestion for Automation Flows
This discussion has been merged.
Improve Clarity Around Run Now Automation
Despite the text that tries to explain this, I don't think the current documentation for the Run Now feature is clear to new users. What isn't clear is that the Trigger and initial Filter condition are treated together and both will be ignored when using Run Now. Besides the help text description, the visuals for this…
Administration of SmartSheet
As my company's SmartSheet administrator, is there a way for me to see a total number of automations/workflows that exist within my entire SmartSheet account? What about total number of attachments that live within my entire SmartSheet account? Lastly, how many alerts/reminders/notifications I have set up within my entire…