Creating Report Workflow Automation that goes out on the 3rd Friday following a Monday
Basically, I can only use weeks where there is a Monday in that month before the 3rd Friday. So the native function of picking 3rd Friday will not work for this scenario. I have seen lots of help for Monday's but am not sure how to program this one. I need to send out a report reminder to owners the 3rd Friday following a…
How to get a notification when only certain users have modified a sheet
Hi, I'd like to setup a workflow to get an alert but only when certain people have made a change to a sheet (around 75% of the users who have access to the sheet). I tried to setup a workflow to look at the 'modified by' column, hoping I could hand-pick the users based on this but I can only run this workflow when this…
Automate a Parent based on a Child?
Hello, Is there a way to automate the value in a parent cell based on what's listed in the children cells? I have a sheet set up with a column to indicate if a milestone is complete or ongoing. Some rows I have this automatically changed based on the finish date, but some rows need to be confirmed by the task owner before…
Worksheet population with Formulas
I have a spreadsheet populated by a form where one field needs to be populated using a JOIN of multiple fields from the spreadsheet which are populated using from entry and another needs to be populated by a VLOOKUP. I've tried assigning the formulas to the blank rows ahead of time and using the Change Cell Value workflow…
How to trigger an automation after a row is changed but on a future date
Hi, I want to move rows to an archive sheet if the user clicks a box saying "Yes Move this Row" but I only want it to happen after a date in a separate column has passed. I have automation set up for Triggers: "When Rows are changed" and "When 'Yes Move This Row' is checked" and "Run when triggered " With the condition…
TODAY() Automated workflow birthday not calculating correctly
We've automated a work flow for birthday notifications - so we can celebrate folks. The workflow/notification shows an incorrect calculation - age = 20, when it should be 21. Here's the notification: And here's the data we're pulling from, showing the correct age calculation: I'm assuming this may have something to do with…
Mismatching cells notification
I'm trying to create a notification if two cells do not match each others values. We currently would need this is a production environment where a PO quantity is created and as the item is produced, if the department doesn't log the same quantity as the PO, the notification is sent to the supervisor. For example. IF PO…
Send automated alert from another user or group
Is it possible to change an automated alert email to send from another user or group to that of the sheet/workspace owner? I am the workspace owner and email messages are delivered to customers from me: Can this be changed to a different user or group email account without moving the sheet to another workspace that is the…
Automation with time & rows added
Hello, I am trying to figure out a way to send an alert when a new row is added AND have the automation run at a particular time of the day. If I understand the way the automation is configured, you can choose one or the other. Is there a way to say: If a row new row has been added as of 9am send an alert. Check again at…
Automating Date fill in other than Today?
I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use the automation function to essentially say, "when column A is filled in, mark in column B Today + 1." I'm not sure this is possible, but I wonder if anyone has been able to accomplish anything similar with the automation function. I specifically need this to be an…