How do I align user's role based on a point in time occurrence?
I manage a vendor relationship that includes tracking the usage of their services on a monthly basis. The vendor services are available to multiple internal groups and part of the reporting is tracking the percentage of total services that each group utilized in a given month. On occasion, a user may transfer to a new…
Logos on Alerts
Can logos be added to "alerts" and how? When we send out alerts recipients ignore them because they feel that are phishing attempts because they show as an external delivery coming from my email address. But I want to add our company logo so it will be more identifiable by the recipient.
Unlicensed unable to receive verification email
I have an unlicensed user who inputs data into my smartsheet. He is supposed to received a confirmation email once his form submission has gone through with a copy of the data that he entered for his records. He is one of many employees who uses this form but is the only one unable to get the email. I have checked his…
Automation workflow: "Too many actions"
Hi there, I got a message from Workflow design workspace stating: "Too many actions" Would you know exactly what limit I've reached that triggered this message ? I can count 34 conditions - is this a limit ? I believe there are 75 actions - counting an email notification to 5 users as 5 actions : is this a limit ? Thanks…
Mark an old submission
Hi, I have a sheet I created where a name and status are being inputted through a Smarthseet form. I am trying to figure out a formula to mark old submissions. Meaning if someone submits a name with the status of "Onboarding" and then submits the form again with the status "Hired", what formula can I use to mark the old…
Is there a way to create a list out of joined string in a cell?
I have Sheet A, were I have a column with Task Description that has parents. I created another column where I put the parents corresponding to the child. Example: Parent ID .........|........Task Description [blankcell]........|........Parent 1 [Parent 1].........|............Task 1 [Parent 1].........|............Task 2…
How can I make it so that anyone assigned to a task is notified.
For example, if David is assigned to a task, I want a notification/alert sent to him.
Long IF Statement Help
Hello, I am attempting to create an IF statement on a Red, Yellow, Green, Grey icon text type with multiple factors. Below please find the inputs listed. If new entry then Gray (COMPLETED) =IF([Form Submission Date]@row = TODAY(), "Gray") If hard deadline has passed and nurse intake has passed then Red (COMPLETED, but…
How can I copy data from just a few columns to another sheet?
I have a large sheet where I would like to copy the data from just 7 columns to another sheet once the data in one of the columns matches the criteria needed. For example: Copy the data from the following columns to NewSheet once the Group column says October 2021. Position Accepted, ID, FName, LName, Instructor, Email,…
Automation and Attachments
Hello! I am working on some workflows and one of them is to send a notification when a document is sent out. Cool, easy, not a problem. If this box is filled with this AND an attachment is added, send a notification. My question is if multiple attachments are added before the box is filled (over time, not at once) will…