Fields in Calendar view or dates in card view
I need to be able to print a weekly calendar of the tasks I am assigned to (task name is primary field) and the number of hours each task will take. I have tried doing that in the calendar view but will only show one column field. I also tried doing it in the card view but that won't let me use the date as a Lane. This is…
Card View using the "Contact List" field
If a Contact List is used, would like to be able to setup lanes in cardview using this field -- easy way to tell who is working on what.
February Release Highlights
Our new release focuses on Card View improvements with lanes by assigned user, Contact List column improvements that make your important contacts easier to select, as well as number formatting and international currency improvements. Note that the referenced Help Center article updates will be available on February 12th,…
Automating swim lane changes in Card View
Does anyone know of a way to automate moving a card/task that has been set to 100% complete in the % completion data field into the "Complete" column / swim lane in the Card View (or for that matter, automating any swim lane change in the Card View based on any task data parameter)? Currently it's a manual process of…
Filters and Card View
Hi there, It seems that card view is not looking at my filters. On my sheet I have a filter set to open jobs. I use a check box to select which ones are complete and should not be shown. I have the filter on and only open jobs are showing on the sheet view but when I switch over to card view, it's ingoring the filter and…
Update Webform URL's included in Folder when Save As New used
We are currently running multiple Projects and have setup a Master Folder with our Process Task lists in using Card View. Within Card View we have links to some Webforms used to capture Data for certain key tasks. The Webform sheets are located in the same folder. When we do Save As New using the Master Folder to Create a…
Card View: Show Column Name as Label
Our workflow includes multiple check boxes in a row. In Card View we loose the at-a-glance review of the task without the check boxes being labeled. It would be a benefit for many of the column types to include what is being identified.
How to prioritize timing in card view
Hi Friends, I have created a project management smart sheet & I asked team members to participate to do simple action in card view by moving from one status to another. And I have planned multiple task with them & mention the status as 'Not Started'. So team members can move the card to 'In progress' column and start…
Card View
I have watched the video and read what I could find on Card View but I have to confess that I am lost.
Grouping multiple columns
Hi, I have a budget sheet that hierarchically grouped by teritotry. There are columns that captures the category and subcategory. I am able to see the total amount of each teritory individually or the whole region using the hierarchy function. If I would like to see the total for the Category or subcategory, how do I go…