Automated linking of added rows
Hi! I seem to have a major problem here and hope for you expert advice. My situation is as follows: 1. Team A and team B work collaboratively in Masterfile on first phase of the project with over 200 rows from all countries. 2. Team A also works with the other 7 country teams on a second phase of the project. 3. All teams…
Modified Date by Cell not row
Hi, I have a use case where I need to apply current date when a specific cell is modified--not the entire row. I understand there is cell history, but need this cell modified date visible as a value in the sheet. Thoughts? Thanks, Sean
Duplicate Columns in Report
Hello, I have four different promotional calendars that I am trying to merge into a summary. Each has month/week/day/date columns. When I create the report I want one set of those columns and then the promo/notes/$ etc from each individual sheet. Is this possible? It's very unsatisfactory to have four rows of dates with…
Creating a Cash Flow Model
Dear Developer I would like to know if any one be able to help me out (on a chargeable basis) to create a cashflow report that requires the consolidated view from 15 different companies. The idea is that each company has its expenses, incomes, has starting bank balances, different bank accounts, suppliers, customers etc. I…
Creating a Cash Flow Model
Dear Developer I would like to know if someone would be able to help me out (on a chargeable basis) to create a cashflow report that requires the consolidated view from 15 different companies. The idea is that each company has its expenses, incomes, has starting bank balances, different bank accounts, suppliers, customers…
Looking to Hire Smartsheet Help
Hi all, I see so many great features with Smartsheet, but have been struggling with having the time to learn the program in order to properly use it. Wondering if anyone with excellent knowledge of the program can offer their services to help me set up some project management and product management templates that I can use…
Project Management
Hi, we currently have a few web forms, that allow clients to request quotes. These then populate fields on a smartsheet as normal. We have two challenges that I'd like to implement but can't seem to get it right. We would like to give the client more visibility on the status of the opportunities, but for various reasons,…
Using multiple functions in a formula
Hi, I am using a formula to determine "Planned % Complete" based on start date/end date and todays date. The formula I am using is; =(MIN(TODAY(), Finish1) - Start1 + 1) / (Finish1 - Start1 + 1) I want to nest the following formula so that if the start date is AFTER todays date, the "Planned % Complete" will be zero;…
Indenting not working right
See screenshot. When I indent my headers, the expand/minimize button is all the way to the right (circled in red). I would like it to be in the cell with the header label. I cannot figure out why it keeps putting it all the way at the end. Second- When I try to do additional indenting below that point, it doesn't seem to…
Images inserted in the cells disappeared
Hi everyone, I just got a weird problem with images in cells. We were using this feature for a while now, and we had an uploaded .jpg images in every row, while we got to approx. 500 rows. Right now all our images disappeared and were replaced only by images' former name (like image.jpg) text in that cell. When I…