Linking two sheets into one master sheet
Ok Here is what I got, I have two employees who work for purchase import section. From Rising the IPO to having the LC created to have the goods delivered to the factory. I have created a common grid header for each of them and they are populating it as I write this. I will then create a master sheet where I will put in…
Which formula do I need "Has" or "Countifs"
I'm having trouble knowing what type of formula to use in my dashboard, and how to get the results that I need. To preface - I am very new to Smartsheet, and the use of formulas so pretty much "learning as I go". What I have here is a result of combined YouTube videos and LinkedIn learning Smartsheet 101 videos. Let me…
Hello, i need some help how do i connect the %complete column to the status column
for example if the status says in progress i want the %complete column to automatically say 50% can anyone help me?
How do I make my Smartsheet columns update when I update the Form
I'm brand new to Smartsheet Forms and I'm on deadline. I accidentally created a Form tied to the wrong Sheet. After realizing my mistake, I duplicated the original sheet and fixed the new column headers (which had populated when I created the Form, of course!) and went back to the original incorrect Sheet ... I THINK it's…
Can anyone please explain why my Mid formula is not working?
I am trying to pull the 5 digit number ID in the middle of this text string. My formula works for the ones labled CTV however for everything else it is an #Incorrect Argument. Any help would be greatly appreciated =IFERROR(MID([Campaign Name]@row, FIND("_CTV", [Campaign Name]@row) - 5, 5), MID([Campaign Name]@row,…
Dashboard Formatting, Displaying Data, and Cell Linking
I am stumped by formatting in the Dashboard. The first pic is how I would like to display the development schedule on the dashboard. It is very clean in comparison to the only way I have found in SS (2nd pic). Any suggestions on how I can get the better display on Dashboard? I would love for the data to be in SS so the dev…
Connect Smartsheet with MS Excel
Hi, Would any of you be able to point me in the direction of a video or simple explanation for how to draw in live cell data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that is housed in MS Teams, please? I'd like to be able to take a revenue cell from an Excel sheet that is in a Teams folder (and is updated by a team that doesn't…
Cross-Linking Sheets
Hello, I am trying to figure out the best way to cross link sheets. Ideally, I would like to be able to match columns across sheets, but my sheets are too large to do so. Set-up: Main sheet (sheet #1) with thousands of entries and hundreds of columns. From sheet #1, I am only pulling entries that match specific criteria.…
Sharing Two Linked Template Sheets
We are rolling out a new process dependent on two linked template sheets to be shared into workspaces for each new project. When we share the templates into a workspace today, it appears to retain the links back to the original template in our template workspace. Is it possible to share two templates together and have them…