Where can I find a smartsheet's consultant??
Looking for a consultant to help our business maximize how we currently use Smartsheet. Needing someone with expertise in offering opinions and solutions for our needs. We are wanting to revamp our processes and utilize the dashboards, reports and automations. Would love someone that will offer guidance and that will build…
Referencing data from other sheets
I need to create a sheet (let's call it Sheet 1) that references data from several other sheets IF a certain box is checked in those reference sheets. For instance, If the box is checked in any row of column B, Sheet 2 or column D, Sheet 3, the data from the Name, Date and Amount column for that row in those sheets would…
Totaling across summary sheets
I have created summary sheets in several of my departmental sheets to take the place of the metric section at the top. How can I summarize across all of the summary sheets? I see I can pull them into a report, but I cannot add a Totals or Average field summarize across the summary sheets. I thought I would simply add a…
Changing Status Based on Another Sheet
Is there a way to link a cell from sheet A to respond to a change in Sheet B? For example, if I change a cell in sheet B to "under review by editor" could I change a corresponding cell in sheet A to "In Edits"
SUMIF Children, Referencing Another Sheet
I am creating a summary sheet and would like to include a sum of course developments by college. I know how to do a SUMIF in general, but can I use the CHILDREN function to sum (or count the number of instances) of courses/payments based on the value in the College column? Source Sheet The parent is called 201910, and all…
Pivot: Add Row Links from source sheet
We're starting to dive in a make use of the Pivot app, and it is extremely powerful, however we are finding that it would be extremely useful for users to be able to affect the base data from the Pivot sheet more easily. One idea I have would be if there was a link in the Pivot sheet for each row directly to that row in…
How do I have a Dashboard show only 100% not 150%
Please see below example. I want to only show 100% as the top, not 150%. Is that something on the sheet itself that I need to do? If so, I only have a % Complete and % Remaining columns. What would i need to place in there to fix this.
Volunteer Allocation
Hi All, I am attempting to find a solution for a specific manual task that is error prone and very time intensive - We need about 300 volunteers occasionally on short notice and need them across multiple cities in 20-50 specific locations (we do not know these specific locations until last minute). I have built a survey…
Formula/pie chart help?
I'd like to have a pie chart that shows a dynamic count of orders "pending/fulfilled/cancelled" of the last seven days. Ideally, there would be four separate ones for four locations (which will be presented on their personal dashboards), as well as a master graph that compiles the data for all four into one for upper…
Counting and Averaging with Exclusions
Hello Smartsheet Community, My organization uses Smartsheet to track our recruiting efforts. Each of our divisions has its own sheet, and we have a metrics sheet to tie all of the divisional sheets together. I am having issues both at the divisional sheet-level and the metrics sheet-level. Problem 1) Sheet Summary…