Formula for Counting RYG by Child Row
Hello - I'm trying to add to a Dashboard. I need to see status by color for each child row. I also need a count by each child row (Admin, CPM, etc.). Help! Thank you.
Creating a formula that looks for criteria in a range and searches for that combo in a row
Hello, I hope I explain this the right way. I want to to find if a specific (row-level) combination of employee and date that exists on the first sheet also exists on the second sheet and if so, use a formula to flag the row that has the combination. For example, if Alex and 06/16/20 exists on the first sheet, I want to…
Value in one sheet create a "populate" trigger in another sheet
Good afternoon We have a bid invite sheet that we fill out with prospective jobs (each row is a prospective job) to bid on. It has multiple columns of Data that if we decide to bid on the job would need to be transferred to our sales/estimating sheet. If we had a YES/No drop down column and we choose YES is there a way to…
Sheet Linking - Project sheets to single metrics sheet
Hi, I have about 80+ projects running simultaneously. In each project sheet, I have some basic project information & metrics (duration of each milestone calculated from actual start & finish dates) which needs to be tracked and analysed. The information & metrics from all projects should be collected in the Metrics sheet.…
Is there a formula that shows ratios from two cells?
I am trying to show a ratio on my dashboard and would like to know if I could use a function to find the ratio.
Auto-Populate Left Stub for Schedules
Thanks to Paul Newcome, I was able to get a WBS schedule working. Now I need to create several schedules, using the WBS as the left two columns. Here is the problem - I need for all schedules to update whenever a row is added or deleted from the original WBS sheet. Simply using Cell Linking does not achieve this. Here is…
DataMesh - Duplicates In Source Sheet
I have a DataMesh sequence that I run that where the source sheet can have 1 to N number of entries, and it's valid. As I understand it, DataMesh only allows me to select two options - Pick First Match and Ignore Entries. In either of those scenarios, I'm not going to get all of my entries. Is there another way around this…
Formula to paste values generated by function
I'm trying to figure out an automatic way to run a function in a cell, and have that function paste the value, and only the value, to that cell. I don't want the formula to continue to exist within the cell. Similar to if I copied the cells post calculation, and did a paste-special of only the values. For example, =5+3…
Need a formula to count how many of each Support Type is assigned to each Assignee.
For example, for the DFM/DDFM Support Type, I would like to know that there are: Communication: (1) Ashley Pierce (1) Tanner May Proposal Review: (1) Alexa Briggs (2) Ashley Pierce
Remove Link but Keep the data
Hi, Is there to keep the previous data if the Reference if deleted. I have this formula =IF(vlookup(referencetoanotherSheer)=x, True). But if the other Sheet is deleted, I want it to maintain the value instead of showing #REF