RYG Change Based on Moving Variable
Hi, all. I was looking to write a formula that would change a RYG based on if the project was still on track for the determined amount of time. It would start green and if the project was projecting as running longer than anticipated would change to yellow and then red when it went over a further threshold(of say %7 of the…
Checked and unchecked box
I need the amount from 1 column to appear in another column if the box between both columns are checked. Please write out the formula so I can copy and paste. Please see the attachment. Greatly appreciated.
Auto format drop down menu
Hello everyone, I am trying to set an auto format for drop down menu to give select options from another column's drop down menu. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? Example: If Assignment is Compliance give me the 5 specific compliance options from a list of 20 on another column. Thanks in advance,
Sharing Question -
A workspace was shared with me, and I was made an editor who can share. For a specific SmartSheet in a subfolder underneath that workspace - how do I request to the owner that I want to be an admin of that SmartSheet in order to set up conditional formatting, send automatic alerts, etc.? I do not see any option of making a…
Highlight Recently Modified Fields
Is it possible to create a condition that highlights only those fields that have been modified within a specific date range? I would like the highlighting to appear the way the notification email exclusively highlights new or changed fields.
VLOOKUP and Conditional Formatting
I updated our smartsheet team schedule to grab dates from my department's master schedule. However, the conditional formatting we set up that visually shows us when a project is nearing or past its due date no longer works on the VLOOKUP cells Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is this a limitation of the software? Has…
Calculating a date from another date in same row
how do I have the start prepping date calculate off the meeting date automatically in the same row. ie I have a meeting on 1/22/18 and I need to start planning 10 weeks prior and would like it to be automated. The problem is this is a major calendar for over 30 meetings, and all have different lag times for planning. I…
How to change row formatting based on a single cell?
I am trying to create a list of design standards and have a drop down list in a column that associates each row to a different project type: Affordable, Market, Selling. I'd like to be able to have the first row be a control that sets criteria for the rest of the sheet or a specific column. Thus if I select "affordable" in…
Is there an "OR" condition in conditional formatting?
I'm a very new user (1 week) and I am trying to apply conditional formatting if any one of 4 conditions is met. I need an OR statement but can't figure out how to do it, other than to do a separate rule for each condition. I searched the community and help and couldn't find anything about OR conditions. Thanks!
Changing Row Status
Hi there, My ultimate goal is to capture the "latest" entry from each row. This information will feed into another sheet/Dashboard. The column names are shown as dates Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21 etc... but, are formatted as text/number columns (not date columns). With that being said, Is there a way to automatically change a…