Calculating a date from another date in same row

steinkj ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

how do I have the start prepping date calculate off the meeting date automatically in the same row. ie I have a meeting on 1/22/18 and I need to start planning 10 weeks prior and would like it to be automated.  The problem is this is a major calendar for over 30 meetings, and all have different lag times for planning. I have tried dependencies/Duration and formula fx=dateonly([date of meeting]2)-10w and I get a #unparseable???

Kim S.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    If the original column is a date column already, you can just do simple math. For Calendar days use days,

    =[Date of Meeting]2 - 70

    If you want to use Workdays only try, 

    =Workdays([Date of Meeting]2, -50)


  • steinkj
    steinkj ✭✭✭✭

    I still get the error #unparseable?????  I tried both versions and click to add the date column to prevent errors.

    Thank you

    Kim S.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Is the column you're putting it into a date column type? Right click on the header of the column your putting it into and check the Column Properties. Also... make sure if your column name has spaces that you are enclosing your column name in brackets. 

    Posting a screenshot of the formula as you are using it, and the column you are refrerring to would also be helpful for troubleshooting. 


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