Formula Help
Greetings- I'm struggling with the cross-sheet referencing and need some help with a formula. I want to create a new sheet summarizing the values on a corresponding dropdown menu for the name and # of products we sell. I'd like the total number sold for each dropdown choice displayed on the new sheet. In the screenshot,…
Looking for Smartsheet Consulting Expertise - Charlotte NC or Atlanta GA
We are looking for a Smartsheet freelancer that can help develop additional reports and dashboards. Prefer local to Charlotte NC but open to telecommuting.
Show date as day of the week
How can I use this forumla =TEXT(A3, "ddd") ?? This formula calculates the day of the week for the date and returns the abbreviated name of the day of the week (Thu). Every time I try to use this formula, it says "not recognized".
Color Palette
OK, So I figured others might find this useful. I couldn't find it, so I made it by exporting the palette from SS into Excel and divining the numbers. It's the RGB color scheme for Smartsheet for Excel 2013.
Working Days Counter Based on State, Lock # when completed
I am trying to create a counter that counts the number of days in work of a task, the counter only counts the days in work when the Scrum state of the task changes to sprint . I want the counter to stop counting when the state changes to done and lock that number of days in work (days in work from sprint to done) and still…
Hiding Columns with Filters?
If you can filter by row which essentially hides data, then how might one apply these new filters to hide columns also? For example, I manage “reports due” and “proposals due” in one sheet. Report-related rows have 3 unique columns (ideal for Card view) whereas proposal-related rows have 5 unique columns and BOTH share 10…
Predecessors - Either/Or
Is there a way to make predecessors either/or? For example, I have my task on row 3 tied to tasks on rows 1 and 2. But in my project, both tasks 1 & 2 aren't required, they are an either/or kind of task. So I want my predecessors to be set up that task 3 will start when either task 1 OR 2 have been complete. Is there a way…
Status Change if Column Checked
Hi everyone, I need some help with a formula that just doesn't want to work for me. Currently my status column changes according to the {Proof Approval - Kim} column. It works fine (formula shown below) Now I want to add on to this formula so, if the column {Out For Approval} is checked, I want the status to change from…
Search Projects as Per RYG status
Hi, I looking for solution or moreover a formula to get a project name back as per RYG status. But i am getting problem, i have a same RYG for more then one projects. For example: i want a list of projects As RYG "RED", the selection has to show me 2 projects in retuen Project 1 Red Project 2 Green Project 3 Yellow Project…
If a date is within 7 days of todays date
Hi I am trying to create a formula to hight light a cell if the date it contains is within 7 days (prior) to todays date... Can anyone help, I have this working on a spreadsheet but cannot seem to get it working on smartsheet. Thank you