Default Card View on a dashbaord
Anyone know how to set a default view in a dashboard with a Card View? I have filters and the order I want the view to be in, I need this for anyone who views the dashboard. example: card view shows month, I want it by Program and filtered to active. Any suggestions?
Defining a dashboard chart axis scale
Is there a way to set the axis scale in chart (graph) dashboard widget? The scales continue to change as the data change, which makes comparisons over time difficult.
Sending Rows with WorkApps
I can send a row if I launch the sheet from a Dashboard, but if I launch it directly from the workapp, the option to send is not present. Why is that? The screenshots below show the same sheet, one is launched from a dashboard in the workapp and one is launched directly as a page in the workapp. Note the missing option to…
Moving/Deleting Multiple widgets?
I have a larger dashboard that needs editing, moving and deleting many widgets and metrics. Is there a way to select multiple and either choose to move or delete them? Having to it one by one would honestly take me forever.
Calendar View
Hello, I would like to have my grid locked in calendar view. As it is right now, users would have to select that view for themselves. Also, how can I have a report that is in calendar view display as such in a dashboard? TIA. -BR
Publishing Dashboards from .gov version to Government SharePoint with controlled Web Browsers
I am using Smartsheet.Gov version where I am setting up Dashboards and Publishing them to a Government SharePoint Site. We are having an issue getting the charts to display on the dashboards on government approved browsers (IE and Chrome). The charts render correctly when accessed directly in Smartsheet when using…
Forms & Contacts - 2 Questions
I have a couple of questions: 1). When a form is completed, you can get a copy sent to yourself. Is there a way it can be sent to multiple people? Our use case is: A file review form is completed and the completed form is sent to the lawyer so, they can file it in the matter folder however, this isn't being done so ideally…
Dashboard Chart from a grouped / summarised report.
Hello! I have created a report, and used group and summary to show the count of each value in status: I have then created a new dashboard and added a chart widget pointing at that report: The dashboard seems ok with this and allows me to edit and manipulate the options... However... When I click save, the widget is broken!…
How to summarize and visualize sheet summary data of multiple sheets?
Hi! I've been using SmartSheet to track progress of different business units on a particular project. Each unit has its own sheet containing grid data that they fill out, as well as sheet summary data where I calculate different KPIs (e.g. number of records with specific status). For each unit, the sheet summary data is…
Auto updating an image in a Dashboard
Situation: I'm creating a dashboard where I'd like to pull in a chart/image created from another platform. I can save this chart as an image, PowerPoint, or even excel file. Problem: I'd like the Smartsheet dashboard to update this image when the dashboard is open or even at a set cadence (1x per day or week), is this…