Dashboard Project Intake Form
Greetings, all, Has anyone used the widget generally assigned to the Project Intake Form for something else? Perhaps a custom fillable .pdf? Peter B
Linking two sheets in a workflow
Hello, I work for a healthcare system on our capital project team. We have a smartsheet form that we use to initiate a PO request. We also have a form where if equipment is changed on a project, we have documentation as to why the equipment change is needed. I am wanting to link these two sheets together. Example: if we…
Retain dashboard widget colors after selecting new data
Chart widgets once you make a new selection of ranges for the data on a ‘Chart’ widget, it will return to the original system color. The result may be sloppy, with two data series having the same color! Consider changing the behavior so that it doesn't default to the original scheme. Instead, it should retain the color…
Intelligent Reporting
Hello. We have a portfolio of projects, each with their own risk register. Is it possible that when a risk is added/updated with a certain score, e.g.15 and above, that the line can automatically be added to a different sheet, i.e. the programme risk register. I don't want multiple entries for the same risk on different…
Tagged Comment Fields
Would be two suggestions, one is ability to add tags/categories to comments. Second would be ability to configure the tag(s) to be shown in the latest comments column that was recently added We use multiple columns to add notes and comments for a mission from particular program areas such as volunteers, logistics, safety…
Sharing A Dashboard with the public
Hello, I want to make a public URL/link so anyone can access the dashboard. Still, some people are required to access Smartsheet to see the dashboard. We are on the Enterprise plan. Any idea?
How to graph a range of dates when only given a start and finish
I have a sheet where I have individual tasks each with their own start and finish dates that can overlap. They each have a certain # of people assigned to the tasks per day. Essentially, it looks like start: 5/15/23 | end: 6/25/23 | #ofPPL/Day: 5 and for each day in between those dates there will be 5 people. The goal is…
Dashboard Chart Widget Colors Automated?
We have a dashboard with lots of charts that show green, yellow, or red dependent on status from the source report. Ran into an instance today where the series was labeled green, but was showing the red harvey ball (meaning that our dashboard was reflecting 17 red projects instead of the correct 17 green). In a hurry, I…
Anyone figure out how or has/will SmartSheet add a "filter" ability/widget to Dashboards?
Read through the posts I could find regarding adding a "filter" to a dashboard so you could use a single master sheet with Summary fields and then filter by Dept (or some other field) to show that same dashboard with that Department's details. As recently as this month it appears this doesn't exist but the feature has been…
Rendering Milestone on dashboard
Creating dashboards and image widgets. There is a problem with the widget pulling from the source file. An example is a dashboard displaying milestones for a project. Milestones are seen as flat parent relationships The project plan has a typical parent-child structure, but the widget does not render correctly when linked…