Synchronise Team Member Availability between Resource Management and Smartsheet
I have team members with part time availability, as specified in their Resource Management profile. Smartsheet allows me to schedule tasks for the days they are not working - the sync to Resource Management then displays "100% allocated for 0 Days" - the 0 days is due to this being a non-workday for that team member.…
Merged: Multiple Upload Fields in a Form
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Toggle commenter name on/off in "Latest Comment" field
This discussion has been merged.
Document Builder - Add "Remain Fillable" options for fields
Currently if you generate a PDF using Document Generation, all mapped fields lose their "Fillable" status once the PDF is generated, even if the source cell from the Smartsheet is blank/null. It would be nice to be able to have a setting per field if it should "Remain Fillable" after generation so that it can be edited…
Email notification with parent row are illegible!
Hello from Hamburg Germany, Unfortunately we receive the content in the email notification with the parent row illegible! On the other hand the email notification without the parent row is just perfect >> see the comparison 😏 How we can get the email notification with the parent row in the same style as the email…
Enhancement Request
Hello, I have a few requests that would enhance my Smartsheet productivity that may be useful to others as well. Please redirect my post if this is in the wrong area since it has been a while since I've posted if at all. I understand that some of these features may be available in the premium add-ons that Smartsheet…
Embedding LinkedIn Learning content
It would be great to have the LinkedIn Learning domain on the approved list to be able to embed any of their web content into Dashboards. We utilize that a lot throughout our company for certifications, growth and development, diversity training, etc. Their videos would make great content for our Learning and Development…
Add Google Doc merge to automatic document generation
It would be very helpful for our work if we could create a mapping to a Google Doc merge template, instead of a fillable PDF format, for the document generation workflow. Most of our forms are done using Smartsheet Forms, so fillable PDFs are not necessary, but we do create quite a lot of documents using the Smartsheet…
Activity Log - Export / Download Options
When an Activity Log is downloaded, the report notes the row where the change has occurred. However, if the Sheet's rows are resorted between the time of the report download and reviewing the report, you can not determine what row the change was made on. I would suggest that the Activity Log download would have an option…
Cash Flow Forecast
Hi, Is there any way of doing a cash flow forecast/projection within Smartsheet. With most other project management software this is a built in feature. I would like to do a forecast of the monthly projected cost for the project.