Is it possible to have a Report always query all grids within a folder?
For ease of workflow, I use "Closed" / "Active" folder structures for my projects, to keep organization/navigation simple and relevant to active projects. Currently, when building a report, you can click a folder to include all grids within the folder. It would be great if the report could retain the folder selection,…
Sending a sheet as an attachment -- Logo Question
On the below example, is there a way to have the smartsheet logo removed and our companies logo put in its place?
Is it possible to have Form fields dependent on one another?
It would be extremely helpful for me if form fields could be dependent on one another. For example, if there was a field called Geography (with Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific as the three options) a secondary field called Market would populate dependent on the selection in the Geography field. I.e. if Europe is selected,…
Dropdown list - Update from the dev team ?
Hi everyone, TL;DR : When will we be able to have dynamic dropdown for a column / field in a form? Is there a workaround? I can't think of a single project where this CAN'T be used... I'm using Smartsheet more and more to provide simple solutions to my clients regarding their work (finance, managing team, project...). I…
Move Rows to Another Sheet...that contain formulas
Hello! Has anybody had experience trying to automatically move a row containing formulas to a new sheet? I am trying to pre-populate cells with formulas that would apply on a different sheet so that they will be ready to go once moved over during a workflow.
Up/Down Arrow Colours
Hi, I wondered if there was a way to swap the up and down arrow colours? e.g. I’m applying the arrows to a spend profile and green should represent a down trend. Thanks, Del
More color options in the dashboard
It would be amazing if we could have more color options in smartsheets. I'd like to be able to use company colors to create dashboards and sadly we don't have the ability to do that right now.
Dropdown Lists by Individual Cell rather than by Column
Hi all, I was just wondering if there is something I am missing here. Is there any way to create dropdown options by cell rather than for the whole column? I am trying to create a Creative Brief and there are a lot of fields that I want to be able to control the options people can choose from, rather than allow free text.…
My Smartsheet Wishlist
I wish, I wish upon a sheet that these will someday be a reality...if some of these are already posted, I apologize... Product team - most, if not all, of these were sent to Scott Willeke verbally or via e-mail so he could lend more context. These items are some of the things that would make Smartsheet even smoother.…
Overlapping Labels on Bar Charts
I am using a stacked bar graph in order to show a breakdown of projected costs and where they come from. However, when using Data Labels, the totals and highest portion overlap. So far I have not been able to find a way to move labels around at all. I am specifically looking for a way to see the summed totals per month,…