Change Background Color for Multiselect Columns in Metric Widget
Hi there! I'm pretty new to Smartsheet, so wondering about an (apparently) missing feature. I'm aware that in Sheets, multiselect columns options appear in a grey background. The challenge I'm experiencing is that when pulling those values into a dashboard via a Metric Widget, those values appear with a blue-ish/cyan…
Merged: Table format in forms
This discussion has been merged.
Using full stops or commas for numbers
***Translated via Google Translate by a Moderator as the Community is currently only supported in English*** Good morning, I have a problem regarding the random use of commas or periods when entering numbers in a smartsheet form. In the Italian version, in fact, if you use a point instead of a comma, the cell is no longer…
How to change date format in generated document
I am having trouble with the date reporting out as mm/dd/yyyy when I would like it reported as dd-Mmm-yyyy. I have a created date column, and a second column with function =DATEONLY([Created Date]@row), and the column is formatted as dd-Mmm-yyyy, as shown in the screen shot below. When I go to generate a document with this…
Dynamic View - Description AND Comments Rich Text Formatting
Being able to format the information in the description pane and Comments. At the moment anything more than 100~200 words is very difficult to follow. Bold/Italic/Underline Hyperlink Ordered/Unordered lists Basically, the same formatting options available when posting an idea in this forum.
Form Date Format defaults to MM/DD/YYYY even though Form is set to DD/MM/YYYY
Hi all I searched the topics and other questions but could not find a satisfactory answer. I am in the UK and have set my setting to DD/MM/YYYY but I'm using a US licence (global company) On the sheet, a date column is formatted to DD/MM/YYYY - when I open the form from the link, the date is DD/MM/YYYY but I can't change…
Merged: Formatting within a Report
This discussion has been merged.
Copy a date in a cell that is formated as a date
Hello everyone, i have a layout where project managers fill in all relevant information into an intake sheet. And then i have created some formulas and automation so that the project sheets would fill themselves upon creation. So far so good. Now I have different date columns in the project sheet that need to be filed in…
Date format in british-english-format DD-MM-JJJJ is missing
The date format for british-english is missing in SmartSheet. It's possible that mistakes can be created. Example: 10.10.23 DD-MM-JJ or MM-DD-JJ
Form Element formatting
When you have a form that handles several different zones- and you want those zones divided visually, the divider is a quick and simple method to do that. However, it's such a light line it does get lost. Having the ability to use a thicker line, or different color would be extremely helpful. Today, we use a Heading...…