BUG - Smartsheet Form - Default Value Store
CONTEXT: I have a long form with single-select fields. I am trying to set all the default options. BUG: When I save + open the webform the default options do show but they don't actually save in the form editor UI (see markups on screenshot below) and also if I make any other change and save the form all the default values…
Worksheet population with Formulas
I have a spreadsheet populated by a form where one field needs to be populated using a JOIN of multiple fields from the spreadsheet which are populated using from entry and another needs to be populated by a VLOOKUP. I've tried assigning the formulas to the blank rows ahead of time and using the Change Cell Value workflow…
Form response that feeds the next form
Hi all - We're trying to create a new client setup form that then feeds that new client number (auto-generated in Smartsheet) to the job setup form. There are many instances where we do multiple jobs for a single client, so our new clients will be on one sheet and new jobs will be on another. I have the "New Client" form…
Change Default of Update Form to Expand Selection of Attachments and Comments
Good afternoon, I was not able to find any solutions for this question online and would appreciate any guidance whether it is possible at this time. We have a request from a user group that would like the Update Form sent through automated emails to display attachments and comments as expanded by default rather than…
Using Logic to Autofill Other Fields in a Form
I have a form where a user would select options from a drop down. Ideally, like to setup logic so that when they select option D, there is another form field (let's just call it Field 2) that is then hidden and has its value set. There are other times when if they were to chose Option C, they would need to decide what…
Form Default Value not saving
I'm having trouble with form Default Values not saving. Is this an error or an I missing something? Thank you! Patrick
Customized Data Entry Views
We have master sheets with over 100 rows and it gets very labor some to enter data at different phases of a a project. I understand that form views are a nice way to enter data but that they can only be used one entry per row. Is there a way to go back into form view at a later time and by a drop down menu of the primary…
Form Manager
I am using the Smartsheet.gov; and the form manager looks completely different. I verified the differences as I watched both best practices webinar and the gov-course-4-gather-data-and-report video under the gov site. But I don't see any mention in the gov community of conditional logic FAQS. Can anyone verify if the…
Is there a way to get the sheet (grid view) column order to match the order of the form
When building a form we tend to start with some data in the sheet, and then build the form from that. As the form develops we add elements throughout the form. Unfortunately this then means that the Sheet (grid view) order does not align with the form order. I realise I can move the columns manually. I was wondering…
Forms & Contacts - 2 Questions
I have a couple of questions: 1). When a form is completed, you can get a copy sent to yourself. Is there a way it can be sent to multiple people? Our use case is: A file review form is completed and the completed form is sent to the lawyer so, they can file it in the matter folder however, this isn't being done so ideally…