Set Return Date as today +5
hi there, i have a form to manage my graphic designer's projects. It includes a To Graphics date and Return to You date. How do I set the Return to You date to be today +5 or greater?
Send a form once 2 weeks after date shipped
We send samples to our (potential) customers and we want to send a brief update form to the contact in the email to understand the success of the sample. We want this form to be sent once and 2 weeks after the date shipped. I tried investigating notification but I can't limit the notice to send once and on changing dates.…
Including hidden form fields with formulas that include row numbers
I'm creating a Smartsheet that has a three-tiered approval process. Requests are submitted via a form, and once the three approving authorities approve the request, I want it to change the overall request status to "Approved." I then use alerts based on that overall request status to send an email out to the requester to…
Web form setup
Hi all, I have a little issue with web form setup. How can I switch off checkbox >Send me a copy of my responses<. I don't see it in a web form on my pc, but it's still there when I open form in my mobile device. I don't need it, so how can I switch it off?
Forms- Multiple guests contact informatio
Hello, We are using a form to RSVP to company events, for these events we have our team members inviting guests. The form is sent out by email to our team members and asks to provide their guest count, then we ask them to add their guest's contact info (name, company, email and phone number). The problem we have ran into,…
Huge Sports Event in planning
Hey guys. I am just starting to setup a sheet for a huge sports event that shall provide all relevant info, but also be used live to update the onsite status. Basically there will be about 10 stations that will be identically except for individual timings and some details (i.e. number of people per team). My client does…
Multiple Selections from a Drop Down
Hi, am creating a smartsheet to collect certain client information & documents to provide a certain service. While creating a form which could be sent to my clients, I've realised that it only allows for a single selection of a document off all the documents that I've listed in the drop down. However I need multiple…
Card View / Contact List
Hi there:) I have a sheet used as a "Maintenance Request" sheet. It is populated by a form. Each person submitting a request provides their name/email into the "Submitted By" column. This allows them to receive an alert once the job is complete. I have frustration coming from the maint dept. when assigning a job/task…
Security assessment fields for each project
Our security certification requires that we provide answers to several key security questions for every project (risk assessment, project justification, etc) and I was wondering what the best way to handle that in Smartsheet would be. They're not really tasks, since it's just several sentences for each that need to be…