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completed task names auto skipping other tasks?

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers


I am trying to create a project where depending on a certain task completing or not, the project sheet auto skips other listed tasks.  This is very simple, but very hard to communicate via words what I am trying to do. 

For example, lets say I have a project that lists out how to drive a car.  Task 1 is does it have gas, if you answer no in the task, it will take you to the how to fill up the car with gas area of the project, if you answer yes, it will skip the filling it up with gas area of the project list.

Does this make sense to anyone?  I feel like I have seen this before and it should be a simple procedure/setup, but i am having trouble finding details about it.  Its most likely because I am not communicating it properly in writing.

Thanks for any help you can add!


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