Every time I add a row to the top of this sheet, the formula changes even though I'm using '$'
I use Smartsheet often, but I'm beginning to use the formulas more and more. I can't resolve this problem. Every week, a new row is added to the top of the sheet. The "Should Have" row, needs to calculate the "MAX" value of the top 4 rows (and since a row is added each week, the top 4 rows change continuously). Whenever I…
TotalFloat for Non-Critical Path(s)
Hello, I reproduced a TotalFloat error from a larger project using a simpler template sheet. It occurs whenever there are multiple predecessors for a task in a downstream path. I took some screenshots to show what I am describing. Is this user error or some background calculation with the formula? Formula (Column: Total…
Docusign clearing formulas once complete
This became a problem in the recent year but I have a Docusign fill out mapped to one of my SmartSheets and maps in the cells to the areas I fill out on a line basis. I will go through my usual process and send the Docusign however, once the Docusign is signed by the recipient and then completed by me, the entire row will…
What is a formula to capture % Complete when the "Status" changes?
Example: When I change the Status column dropdown option to "Complete" how do I write a formula to automatically change the percent complete? I.E. Status is "Not Started" = Percent Complete is "0%" Status is "In Progress = Percent Complete is "50%" Status is Complete = Percent Complete is "100%"
Can you restrict columns to write only time/contact?
I know that we are able to restrict columns to write contacts only. However, for some reason even if I have the contacts listed, they still write down their email instead of selecting the contact drop down lists. Why is it not restricting properly? How would you restrict a certain column for the person to input time only…
COUNTIFS formula giving incorrect value
My Countifs formula is giving a different value than when I filter on my sheet which is the correct answer. I am trying to pull the number of team members who were hired before Jan 31st, Termed between Jan 1 and Jan 31, are current employees (no term date), who do not fall into the position code or term code in the…
Why can't I compute a simple division formula?
I am trying to divide one cell by another cell using the below to formulas. I am getting a #invalid operation. =COUNTIF(Complete1:Complete12, 1) + "" =(Complete14 / 12)
SumIF formula not pulling the full amount of values
Hello! I have two sheets, one that has General Ledger amounts for month end and the other sheet is a summary sheet that pulls in the total of the general ledger amounts for each specific GL. My formula on the summary sheet is referencing sheet one with the following formula… =SUMIF({Code}, [Budget Code]@row, {GL Balance})…
Seperate Name
Below is a formula I found here in the Community. While the first name worked, the last name didn't. Well, it did but the comma is appearing. I also noticed that if the hyphenated name is lenghty, it only returns the first part of the last name, the dash and first letter. I also have names that are pretty lenghty that…
Extract first 3 letters after the first space
Hello, I'm looking to extract the first 3 letters in the word that follows the first occurence of a space. Here are some examples: Budgeting Building Relationships Changing the Language Holding People Accountable For "Budgeting" it's fine to return nothing. For Changing the Langauge I would want to return Lan…so maybe I'm…