Dashboard data not refreshing?

I have created a Dashboard where I’m using the chart widget, the data is being pulled from a sheet (sheet 2), were I pull data from a different sheet using formulas (sheet 1) to be used on the Dashboard.

Sheet 2 is only used for calculations and counting for specific models of our department as Sheet 1 is a global sheet containing all the company departments models.

Sheet 1 (Opened and modify on a daily basis):

The Current issue I’m having is that my Charts somedays work perfectly, showing the data as it should be, everything matching between Sheet 1 -> Sheet 2 -> Dashboard.


As you can see all the quantities match the pie charts compared to the data the sheet is showing. 15 Greens, 3 Yellows and 4 Reds. (Refer to Sheet 2)

The problem I have is that this all seems to work perfectly but random, some days the data will show everything red, when I have changed nothing, sometimes it takes a couple of hours for the data to refresh and show it correctly.

What I’ve noticed is that the data takes a couple of seconds to update in Sheet 1, but then it would take forever to update in Sheet 2, which is only pulling the data from Sheet 1 using formulas as you can see in my first snapshot, then consequently the pie charts would take also forever to show the correct data as it’s taking the data from Sheet 2.

Sheet 1 (Showing wrong data):

withing 10s-20s data will update
Sheet 1 (Updated data):

Sheet 2 (showing wrong data will take forever to update data matching Sheet 1):


It would be like Sheet 1 (Updates within seconds showing correct data) -> Sheet 2 (Takes a long time to update) -> Dashboard (Would not refresh the data correctly).
What troubles me is the inconsistency when this issue presents itself, why some days this works perfectly and why other days doesn’t work. The formulas in Sheet 2 remain the same and have not been changed.

I appreciate any input you can provide and thanks in advance.
