Needing an "If, Than" formula for multiple variables
I am pulling together stats for a project using the JIRA connector and I need to be able to SUM all "Open" issues + "Reviewed" issues into one cell. I have the beginning of the statement and it works just fine, but whatever I tried to add the last part, "Reviewed" I get an unparseable error. Here is what I have:…
Auto populating Formula Issues
I have an existing sheet with formulas to compute "netdays" left for a task, the task and variables live on the same row. That sheet has a form which allows for a user to add to the sheet a new task and assign, within the form, a start and end date. These dates are the variables that contribute to the formula. My issue is…
Formula to move data to another column
I would like to move data from one column to another. Is there a formula that can do that? I may append to existing data or replace it depending on options. If there's no formula, how can this be done manually? I tried cut/paste, but it did not work.Thank you.
Referencing formula for other sheets?
Is it possible to build a formula that references other cells/sheets into a new sheet? I am trying to create a sheet that would sum values from another sheet into a new one to build some stats. Because the source sheet is generated using the SmartSheet/JIRA connector rows are automatically and constantly being added, so I…
Project Health Based on task completion vs project completion
I am trying to determine a way to communicate/graphically represent project progress based on today's date in relation to the start date and projected end date of a project. So if we have a 90 day project and we are on day 50 I want to see Project Progress of 55% I already have a data point for Task Completion percentage…
Formula Inquiry
I am trying to get a formula to automatically apply a number (vehicles complete column) when a date is filled in from a linked cell in another sheet (completed column), see attached photo for reference. The cell I want to be auto filled has a sum children formula already in place. Is this possible and if so do you have an…
IF statements
So I have this formula for the 'Assigned to' column: =IF([Updated by]1 = "jillian@email.com", "alex@email.com", "mark@email.com") where if someone updates and saves a row, if the email of the person who updated matches the one in the IF, it will assign to the first employee, otherwise it's assigned to a different employee.…
Mutiple If's in a statement
Hello, I am trying to created a multiple if Statement. If column1 contains "Milestone 1" show "30% invoiced If column1 contains "Milestone 2" show 80% invoiced If column1 contains "Milestone 2" show 100% invoiced Can someone please help me created this formula?
Add the ability to use array formulas?
I would like to be able to use an array formula like Excel has so I can recreate my fee estimate sheets in Smartsheet. It does not appear like Smartsheet can do this. Can you please add this capability to Smartsheet?
Formula for a dependancy
I have 5 columns on a sheet that all have check boxes. Is there a formula that will say If these 5 boxes are checked then they have the status of green dot?