Cross-sheet reference limited to under 50,000 references
Excited about the increased cross-sheet reference limit to 100,000, I jumped on the bandwagon and started to replaced the Destination sheet LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(JOIN formulas with the Index/Match formulas using cross-sheet references. In this workflow, we are pulling data from 5 Source sheets into one “Central (destination)…
Rolling up Health to the Parent row
Is there a way to roll up health of tasks underneath the parent to reflect an "average" health, if you will? I have a formula for my children to render health, however, I can't seem to roll up to the parent. Would the same formula work the same in the parent row, if my formula is based on start/finish date and % complete?…
Is there a way to put a display name on a hyperlink in the Form Description?
I am trying to create a Display Name over a URL to make it more readable in the description of my form.
How to set up and automate a template for this report chart in the dashboard?
Hi guys, do you know how to set up the following report chart in my dashboard? I have seen this kind of report chart in one of the Smartsheet webinars. My requirements to this report chart would be : Every time I set up a new project plan, every person in my "Assigned to" column should be automatically involved in this…
Smartsheets not staying saved.
Hi, I have a smartsheets that has a formula in that works out the number of days between a date and todays date. Therefore every day the No. days goes up and I have a dashboard off of this. The issue is that when the formula changes the No. days I have to manually go into the sheet and click save for it to get to the…
Calculate cumulative duration of time spent in each status where status changes are bidirectional
Hi, I have a problem I am trying to solve in a sheet that contains hundreds of individual requests. Each request starts with Status = 'New' and finishes at Status = "Complete" in between there are 3 review statuses, "Review Department A", "Review Department B", "Review Department C" depending on the department the review…
Pricing: A La Carte Apps
Smartsheet, you need you allow apps to be added a la carte to Business accounts. Restricting apps to Enterprise is unnecessary. It feels like nothing more than hard-ball sales tactics. While Smartsheet has helped our business organize our operations team, we are not happy about the divide between Business and Enterprise…
Need help with building out a sheet based on days remaining in month
Hi All, I am working to convert an excel file into smartsheets and trying to figure out where to start here (this is something that I inherited and the original owner of this file isn't around anymore so I'm kind of reverse engineering this). This is what the excel file looks like: The formulas that I need to recreate are…
Finding Distinct Values in Two Columns
Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to find the number of distinct values in two columns. In this case I am looking to find if there is an overlap between start and completion dates for a given crew lead. Is there a reason that I am getting 1 as my output here? Is there any other way I can accomplish this?
Pinned Recently Opened now sorting by last opened and it is horrible
Today I saw that my pinned recently opened sheets and reports were now a jumble. I sorted them back out and as soon as I clicked one to open it zipped to the top. This change is not really welcome and I would love the option to change if these are sorted at all. Having an active list like I used to made many things much…