Auto Label Parent Rows
Hello! I'm looking for ways to automate labeling the parent rows for an onboarding sheet. I want to automate the label of the day so that I won't have to manually adjust it every time. Here's a sample a screenshot:
Publishing and Google Search indexing and crawling
Business and Enterprise users can publish a sheet, report, or dashboard. My question is can these pages be discovered by Google Search indexing and crawling? These are the options I refer to: I looked at the page source on a sheet I published. The HTML code contains no noindex tags in the header. And the Developer tools on…
VLOOKUP/JOIN/COLLECT - Need help combining groups of emails
Good afternoon, I am stumped & hoping someone can help. In short, I have a Reference Sheet with the contact info and a Communication Plan Sheet. In the Reference Sheet, I added an Address/Filter/Email List column. The Email List is grouping all of the addresses based on which group they are in, so when you copy the Email…
Require Help with COUNTIF Formula on Smartsheets
Hello everyone! I am trying to count the number of records for the current year(2021) from 'System Generated' date column -(Request Date )with formula - =COUNTIF(Request date: Request date, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY())) in the 'Sheet Summary' section. This is not working - says #UNPARSEABLE Alternatively I have…
Formula to color RYG balls based on date/deadline
Hello, I'm trying to alter the color of our RYG status balls based on the proximity of the date. For example: Yellow - if today's date is within 5 days prior and 5 days after the deadline date noted Red - if today's date is 5 days + after the deadline date Green - if today's date is before the 6 days + before the deadline…
Row ID (ignoring blank cells)
I am trying to create a sheet which identifies batches of 25 rows and creates a specific batch ID, before moving onto the next 25 rows. (Batch Column) I also need to formula to ignore rows with blanks entries. (Row ID) I hope somebody is able to help
Is there a way to set up Cumulative Roll Up Notification Emails
We have a large team all working within a workspace, and they already get a TON of email. Is there a way to set up a single daily notification for new items assigned to team members, without it being an email for each sheet? We have about 10 sheets that are being used, so would prefer not to see users getting 10 emails.…
SUMIFS Formula
I am attempting to get the sum of two separate columns Number of Participants Reached (Adults) + Number of Participants Reached (Students) for FY 2021 only All 3 sets of numbers are in different columns I can get the total sum of the two columns right for all years but I can't figure out how to have it only calculate for…
Flag is others are flagged
I have an "At Risk" column and I want one row to flag if any in a set range of others are flagged. For example, on a project template, I have a "Planning Milestone"; I want the milestone to flag if any rows within the "Planning" phase are flagged. I was attempting to use a formula like this: =IF([At Risk]95:[At Risk]98 =…
Is there a way to refer to another "row" within comments/conversations? Refer to unique rows via URL
As a Smartsheet user, I want to be able to refer to a row when typing a comment so I can better give context and easily give URL's to navigate quickly to the other row. ---------------------- Use Case: I leave a comment on Row 1. Row 1 is named "Product Plan". Within the comment on Row 1, I'd like to quickly refer to row…