Auto- Number based on Parent child relationship
I want to auot number based on the parent . i.e if I have a number items (Parents) I want these to be auto numbered but any item below them, indented to be for example 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc. on the first parent level of indent and the next similar 2.1, 2.2, etc. Any idea to automate this?
Summarizing items by country
Hi there - I am working on a dashboard and would like to summarize content created in a region and then by country. Right now I have this set up manually with a formula based a static list of countries, but I am hoping there is something I could do that would pull the country list automatically from the column, as new…
Smartsheet Slow or Not Loading
Is anyone else having issues with smartsheets not loading over the past couple of days? Everyone at our company has been having issues with smartsheets failing to load since Monday 21/06/21. Some small basics sheets do load eventually, however larger sheets with a lot of rows dont load at all. prior to monday, these same…
Highlight Changes
Hello, I want to know when information has been updated in a sheet, how do I set this up so any changes made in the last X days highlight the cells? Thanks, Hannah
One off Saturdays in Gantt
Hi all, I work in construction and use the gantt chart heavily to manage scheduling subs. I have a unique situation for my project where I may have to schedule work on a Saturday. Is there any way to allow a single Saturday, instead of opening Saturdays for the duration of project?
Enhancement Request: Ability to lock a row if if a task is dependent upon another being completed
Example: There are Task 1 and 2 and Task 2 has Task 1 as Predecessor task. Until Task 1 is marked completed, Task 2 or some of its columns are LOCKED and cannot be edited.
Form required fields - preventing form submission?
Hello! I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to prevent a form from being submitted with empty required fields. Let me know what you know! I'm hoping there is a way to do this. Otherwise, this doesn't feel like they are truly required. Just strongly suggested. :) Thank you so much in advance for any guidance or knowledge…
Continuously evolving Sum formula
Is it possible to create a formula or workflow that would move/update our "90 Day total" column as new months come and go? I've attached what we are currently working with. The 90 Day Total is just a sum formula for each Jun Jul and Aug. The rest of the year is mapped in the exact same style, but for Sep Oct Nov and Dec.…
How to input a date/time and calculate a time elapsed?
I'm brand-spanking new to Smartsheet. We are trialing it for work and I'm trying to convert some of my Excel workbooks for use in this new platform. A really common formula for my work is =(Time1-Time2)*1440 which gives me a total time elapsed in minutes. I then build my dashboards to take those calculated fields and do…
Formula not working
Hi , Can anyone help me with this formula issue:- I have 4 symbol color- Not Started- Gray Not Applicable- No color On Hold -Yellow Complete- Green Act1 greater than Act2 and Status is equal to In Progress - Red else Green =IF( Status@row <> "Not Applicable", IF( Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray", IF(Status@row = "On…