How to count checkboxes-checked, between Nov 1st, 2020 and December 1st, 2020
I am looking for help creating a formula that works with the above question. I will replicate it for each month through one fiscal year timeline. Currently I have this formula which results in UNPARSEABLE. =COUNTIF({Data Range 3X}, true), COUNTIFS({Tuning Release Date Range}, >= A11, {Tuning Release Date Range}, <= A12) I…
If Statement
Hi Team, Can anyone help me how to write this condition In Smartsheet Thanks
Can we have chart in sheet like we do in excel
Hi There, Can we have chart in sheet like we do in excel I dont want dashboard I want the chart % to be in sheet column Thanks
Trying to Work with the VLOOKUP Function but hitting a wall
I'm attempting to access a separate sheet with some contact details for various clients. On my CLIENT SHEET I have 8 columns: Licensee, Billing Company, Contact, Contact Email, Street, City, State, Zip On my PROJECT SHEET I have various other project details, but one column is also named "licensee". In the Licensee column,…
Data Uploader feature
Hello Smartsheet community! I am a new member and I am trying to learn about Data Uploader. I would like to use Data Uploader in Smartsheet to load data into Multiple (Smartsheets)? Are there any tutorial videos that can help? What steps do I need to follow. Thank You for your help and guidance in advance.
When using Dynamic View logic, is it not possible to hide columns until approval?
I have quite a number of columns and I don't want all of them displayed in the panel until a trigger is reached for a grouping of each section. For example, until a recommendation is approved, I am hiding about 20 columns. Once approved, I want to make the next set of about 5 columns revealed for edit and once that…
How can we create baseline chart
Hi How can we prepare the baseline chart to show each projects Original schedule and current schedule . Thanks
Dynamic View - New Item Submission
I'm creating a new view in Dynamic View and I have enabled new item submission as well as user can display and add attachments. Unfortunately when actually drafting a new item submission I do not see an option to add an attachment the same way I would in a traditional form PRIOR to submitting the item. The attachment…
Is there a way to download SmartSheet form as a PDF?
I want to be able to use Smartsheet form as a PDF also in cases where I have to manually write information or use the form as a Job Sheet for Complaint/Servicing form. How can I do that? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
My column formula =COUNT(DESCENDANTS()) returns #BLOCKED in one cell. Is there a limit to the count?
All other column formulas work fine. The only reason I can think of is there may be too many descendants? The value returned should be 1540. Is there a limit to the COUNT function?