Counting Completed Dates Within the Last 12 Months
Hello - I'm trying to do a formula that will count the number of projects that have been completed within the last twelve months. I have one that will count within the last 365 days, but this result doesn't match the completed per month numbers. Here is the current formula: =COUNTIF([Actual Implementation Date]:[Actual…
Contact Lookup/Reference from Another Sheet
Hello, I am trying to work out a formula that will raise a flag if any contacts in a column (Attendees) are listed on a separate sheet (VIP). The attendees column could have multiple names listed, the VIP column will only have one name per row. I am running into errors with the formulas that I have been trying, and not…
Count the number of times multiple values appear in a column
Hello SS Community, I'm trying to count the number of instances two values appear together in a cell. From the following example, I would like to count how often "Contractor" and "Vendor" appear together, and furthermore I would like to sum the budget for those instances as well. When I use the CountIf with Contains…
COUNTIFS error when finite rows not set
I have a formula that calculates the week number, and counts all items with the priority of 'Standard' within that week. The issue is that my 'Creation Date' column currently has 97 rows, but this will increase. The formula below works, but not if I remove the row numbers. I haven't seen this behavior before, did I set…
RYG Balls Need a Little Help Please
I have contacted the help desk and they suggested for me to post a question on the forum.... 1. Get help with RYG Balls.... If start date is a date with no due date and at any % completed then yellow... If due date is 3 days in the future then Yellow.... If due date is today Red...... if due date is tomorrow yellow .....…
Can I add a specific row to an email from a workflow?
I have a smartsheet and there I will let people know when certain tasks have been executed. I have already created the workflow for that. My issue is when sending the email; can I add one row only on the email to notify that a certain task has been executed, so when I change one cell from "In Progress" to "Executed" a…
Im really struggling with getting an absolute cell value to stay in a sheet or in a sheet summary. maybe im going at in the wrong direction. please help. I have a form on my call centre data sheet that is adding an information line each day. The line is picking up all my formulas for my metrics on who is answering the…
At Risk Formula Update
Currently using the Onboarding Template Set and in the Sheet Onboarding timeline, I have the Risk flag set, the current formula is to flag if the end date is in the past and the status is not compete (for the row)formula is =IF(AND([End Date]9 < TODAY(), NOT(Status9 = "Complete")), 1, 0) but I need to update it because I…
Formula to record attendance using check boxes and flag the row if missing meetings?
I am new to SmartSheet and need assistance creating a formula or function to make it easier to to keep up with attendance for meetings once a month. Any one person from the group can attend and as long as one person does, the entire group gets credit. I would like to use a function which will give me a quick indicator that…
Sum Children formula
Hi all. I am having an issue with getting a correct sum from children of a parent row when using a formula in the children rows. Ex: Children row formula is =IF([Date Completed]43 > [Due Date]43, "1", "0") There are two children rows; the formula above creates a 1 and a 0 respectively, however, my =SUM(CHILDREN()) formula…