need help with formula
I am trying to create a RYG formula Have a drop down column with the choices: 75% staffing 50% staffing 25% staffing <25% staffing I want to say that IF([Staffing Level Impact to MEF]@row = "75% staffing", "Green", IF([Staffing Level Impact to MEF]@row = "50% staffing", "Yellow", IF(OR(([Staffing Level Impact to MEF]@row =…
COUNTIFS results in Zero (and NOT for same reason as in rsmith's question)
Why am I getting no errors, but a 0 (expressed as a percent as formatted) when using the following formula? Please note that I am NOT the person who named these columns or the list of values therein, but you've gotta work with what you're given, right? Here's the formula: =COUNTIFS([SF Phone decom'd/removed]2:[SF Phone…
Average a column with zeros
Hello, How do you average column and not include the cells with zeros in them. Value 1 Value 1 Value 1 Value 0 Value 1 This column will grow larger and larger as more form data comes in. Thank you
formula help
I need to write a formula to count the number of projects in a sheet but subtract all projects that are tagged (checkbox column type) if the cyclical column is checked. Does anyone have any suggestions or help they can share?
Report on Tasks due including Header
Hi all, Can someone provide me a workaround here. I would like to run a report that lists all the tasks due to start in the next 5 days. But what I need is to include the Phase name, even though the Phase has already started. I have added screenshots of what I have done, but this adds all phases, even the ones that does…
Problems with formulas
i am having difficulties with my formulas . I am trying to acheive the following: IF status row is not "complete" AND due date is Today or in the past, if true Flag, if not unflag. My formula is: =IF(AND(Status28 <> "Completed", [Planned Finish]28 >= TODAY(-15)), 1) However this is the results - it is not calulation what i…
Is there a way to auto-hide columns based on the value selected from a drop down cell?
I have a main grid with several columns and a webform that feeds into that grid. This tracker is used by my team to track several job "types" defined in one of the destination grid columns as "Large Project", Medium Project" and "Small Project". Each distinction has its own requirements, thus making a few of the existing…
RGBY Ball and Date Formula
Hello, I am trying to write a formula that can work out the following RED - if the start date has past and the complete % is 0 BLUE - if the start date is in the future and the complete % is 0 YELLOW - if complete % is 1-99 GREEN - if complete % is 100
Test log
Can someone provide some insight to creating a testing log? Either point me to an existing Smartsheet template set that can be massaged to fit my testing needs or have a test log template set that you are willing to share.
Counting completion status off of a group of sheets
We started a new process for course development that has tracking development of each of our courses in separate sheets. 1 course per sheet. Its easy to pull a report of how many of those courses are now in a complete status but I am trying to figure out how to pull together a dynamic number for the total number of courses…