Gantt Charts Hour Minute
Currently, the desktop app supports Down to the Day for the Gantt view. Is there any way to have projects in hours on the desktop app instead? Finding another piece of software to do this common practice of a project that lasts a couple of days but has many moving parts and dependencies is frustrating. We have run into…
Printing the gantt chart
Hello, Is there a way to print ONLY the gantt chart and not the columns? Thank you!
Gantt Chart misalignment on Dashboard
I've noticed that a Gantt Chart that I have displayed on my Dashboard doesn't align properly. Headline tasks get progressively more and more out of alignment on the right-hand side. See below for a demonstration. Any thoughts on why this would be happening?
Calendarweeks in Gantt Chart
Hi Everyone! Is there a way to show calendar weeks in the header of a Gantt Chart? I have set the timeline to "month" as a primary header and "week" as a secondary. But instead of showing "Jun 30" for the Sunday of week 29, I would like it to show "week 26" or "cw 26" or just "26". Is that possible? Thanks Thomas
Gantt View on a Dashboard - issues with Gantt showing data accurately.
When using a Report to pull data from a Sheet, the report allows you to configure the Gannt in various was (day/week/quarter, etc). When displaying the Report on the DB, and wanting to view a part of the Data, and the Gantt at the same the ---> the Gantt isn't proper. Ou use-case is shipping goods measuring Pickup Date to…
Requesting updates for parent/child rows with dependencies
I have a SmartSheet that I'm using to track my project manager's construction projects they are assigned to. We have some projects for which there are smaller phases that are broken out that I have shown as individual rows set up as child-parent. With dependencies enabled SmartSheet calculates the overall dates of the…
Gannt Label Customization
Currently the label will always appear on the right of the bar. It would be nice to change to the front of the bar or centered in the bar itself. Bonus if you can change the font as well.
Copy & paste tasks and dependencies
Hey everyone, i have created a template task list including their dependencies and I would like to copy and paste them in my sheet, so I don't have to figure out the dependencies for every bucket on its own. However, It appears I cannot copy and paste the dependencies :-( - is there any way of doing this in a better way or…
Gantt Chart - Colouring with shades/effects
Please allows colour with effects on them in Gantt chart bar colours. Would be great to has a dotted, cross-hatched coloured bar.
Gantt Chart - linking start / end dates
Im a beginner so bare with me. Im creating a GC where the beginning and end part of the process are irrelevant for the C suite - only interested in hard deadlines and the overall duration of the project minus the grey areas. However, these task rows and durations need to still be included to help manage the work flow for…