Gant Chart showing budget
Hi, I have created a Gant chart and need it to show dollar figures per quarter in a new row but I cannot work out how to add the row. the highlighted line is what i would like to add across the gant chart side. Like the below example from excel Thanks Tanja
Allow Gantt view to use Date columns with Column Formulas for Start/End
I'm kind of flabbergasted that this is not currently possible in a Sheet, and I'm struggling to explain to my users why. It is already possible to populate a Date column with a Column Formula and then convert it to a Cell Formula, and then use that column as the Start/End for Gantt view / Project Settings, so the issue is…
Negative Float
Can anyone tell me what would have to change in the plan below for me to end up with a negative float? It seems that if I add any duration to Activities B through L (which I would expect would create a negative float), the end date for the final task (Activity M) simply gets pushed out to compensate. No Negative Float…
Multiple Date Ranges within the Same Row
From what I read this is still not an option with Smartsheet. I would also like to have multiple date ranges within the same row. I would like to be able to look at a project (start to finish) but also like to see Section A, Section B, and Section C date ranges within that project on the same gantt chart row. I currently…
Formula to Flag Tasks that are on the Critical and / or Driving Path
I'm aware how to highlight these in the Gantt, but if I wanted a checkbox to flag which tasks are on the CP and which ones are on the DP, anyone have an idea how to do that?
grantt view
i have created a report with data from 2 different sheets, each with "start"- data and "finish"-data, both columns are in the 2 sheets, the confiugration behind is for the the 2 sheets the same when i use a grantt view in the report, it displays in a correct way the data from the first sheet, but for the second sheet he…
How to exclude weekends while using formulas
I am very new to smartsheets and have just been playing with it and need guidance. I am trying to keep it as basic as possible. Essentially we are trying to backwards plan from our "due date" of when to begin our parts. i have it where you manually plug in a "shop time" and manually plug in a "outside lead time" have a…
7 AM shift start and Lunch time
Currently Smartsheet Project uses a default 8 AM time as the start date for each day in a project schedule. Is there a way to change that to 7 AM? I am stuck in creating a formula for that. Also, is there a way to take out the one hour lunch that is automatically calculated in a schedule?
Enable reports to show dependencies on the Gantt view
When creating a timeline report to be used on a Dashboard or exported for executive reporting, there is a need to preserve the dependency lines in the Gantt view to assist with understanding impacts of data changes. The Reports functionality does not currently show the dependency lines that are visible on the sheet. It…
How to preserve Gantt chart dependencies in a report?
Hello, I have created a report of my PP to display Gantt view of tasks and most importantly the dependencies on a dashboard report. However, the Gantt view loses all dependencies when you create a report!! Any solution to this? Thank you!