Hide or reveal a web form question based on answer from previous field
Is there a way to hide or reveal a question/text input field in a web form based on the answer from the previous question? For example, I am creating daily truck check forms for our paramedics and one question is "how many back rafts are there?". The dropdown list choices for them are "3", "Restocked", "Ordered" and…
Report planned work on a weekly basis
Is there a way to know the estimated % of work to be done every week? I didn't find a report about this, but this will be very helpful to track the overall execution of a project. Example: week 1=5%; week 2=18%; week 3=24%; week 4=32%; etc...
Project Timeline - Today Bar
Is there a way to add a vertical bar to a gantt chart to highlight the current date?
Help Desk - Communicating with end user
I'm using the Help Desk template to manage my incoming tickets. However, I don't see a way to be able to communicate with the end users within the system. I would like to be able to email the end user and have the email chain as an attachment to the row in the Smartsheet. Is this possible? It also doesn't seem to notify…
Zapier and Service M8 integration with Smarthseet
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any info on how to achieve what i am trying to do: I have field management software that I use called Service M8 - it works with Zapier to update and or create rows in Smartsheet. We use Zapier to make a new row in Smartsheet and the trigger is when we make a new client in Service M8. That…
Using a formula to subtract 1 box out of "box inventory" when I record a sale in "Sales"
Hello, We have a basic retail business selling iPhones and what I would like to do is create some type of formula so when I enter a sale into my Sales Sheet it will link to my Box Inventory Sheet AND it will subtract the correct box out of the inventory based off of its Model and Color. I'm not any good with creating…
Enable/Disable cells
Hello everyone Is there a way to make enable or disable a cells according to the values of another cell. A kind of conditional formatting with making enable or disable cells. Thank you in advance
Privacy Shield Application
Can I confirm progress, another thread says this self-certification expected to be completed by end of Q1-2017, I've had to hold off a wider rollout of some functionality to our business until this is resolved.
New suggestion for the reminder feature
Hi Thanks for the great feature that you have added to the notification roles I would like to Suggest adding the customization feature to the column that we want to present in the email message for the reminder alert when we edit the message. Best Khaled
How to hide #UNPARSEABLE error
Hey All, I have this formula =NETDAYS(Created16, [Due Date]16) and it's working just fine. It's just give me the number days left between two dates. But, when the data cells don't have values, it gives me this error "#UNPARSEABLE". I'm guessing I need to use an "IF" statment to eliminate this error, but I don't know how to…