Doing two things in one IF statement
WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO: I would like to accomplish two things in one IF statement. Something like: =IF([This Column]@row = 1, [That Column]=true ALSO Today(), ....) WHY I'M TRYING TO DO THIS: I am trying to automate the Actual Finish column in my project management sheets such that, when % Complete reaches 100, then check a…
How to send automated birthday emails to employees in our company
Hello Team, I would like to know how to enable or create smartsheet to send automated birthday emails with customised template to employees in my org, on their birthdays. aprriciate for the help
Is There Really No Built-in Log\NL Function?
My team and I are trying to implement our escalation algorithm in smart sheet but it would seem that SS can't compute natural log in formula. Are we missing something; Why is the SS math library so dumbed down? Below is the formula in Excel we are trying to migrate. =ROUNDUP(LN(A2)/1.609437912,0)+1 WHERE: A2 is a user…
Accidentally unsubscribed from notification in a row, how do I get the notifications turned back on?
I was scrolling through a notification email and accidentally clicked on "unsubscribe from notifications". It did so immediately instead of asking if I was sure I wanted to unsubscribe (like most other programs do). I don't know how to subscribe again, it is on a row that I have a task assigned so I need to be able to see…
remove column ids, row ids from Smartsheet json!
hi team, I need help with removing the overheard data from the Smartsheet api call that returns a json file, I need to remove all the overhead before putting the data into the pipelines, thanks.
We currently have a team account and it appears when I add collaborators to the sheets, when they accept the smartsheet and setup in smartsheet with a "free trial" I then get calls from them that their free trial is expiring, In addition, under their free trial they are able to move columns and edit the sheet, which they…
VLOOKUP for a range of numbers
Hi Community, I am looking to try and do a VLOOKUP against a range of numbers versus a single value. The function as I know it today only allows you to look up a value and pull the corresponding value for it (i.e., If the color is Green, then put 2 or if the color is Red, then put the number 3) In my use case, I am looking…
gantt chart using time as a scale
I would like to apply smart sheet to my workstation for daily manufacturing status board. Is there any chance for me to change gantt chart scale from date to time.
Hyperlinks not exporting
I am trying to export my smartsheet to excel and whenever I do this, all the hyperlinks are gone and I have to enter the hyperlinks again manually in the generated excel spreadsheet. I tried exporting to google docs and the same issue. Hyperlinks are not exporting. Why? Please assist. When I tried to log into the…
Can I have multiple attachment fields in a web form?
I have a new requirement to have more than attachment field in a web form. Example: the form asks for specific budget information in one section requiring upload(s), and then in another section we would like to add an area to add receipt information. It would be OK if they are stored together in the Smartsheet when…