Accidentally unsubscribed from notification in a row, how do I get the notifications turned back on?

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I was scrolling through a notification email and accidentally clicked on "unsubscribe from notifications". It did so immediately instead of asking if I was sure I wanted to unsubscribe (like most other programs do). I don't know how to subscribe again, it is on a row that I have a task assigned so I need to be able to see when people comment on the task or make other changes. The notifications set up in the sheet are very generalized, for example: "Notify contact in column right away when changes are made". This is a shared sheet for 30 people. Help please!


  • Alison
    Alison Employee


    Thanks for this question!  Are you able to go back in to the Alert builder and turn on this notification?  You can see which notification it is by comparing the notification name in the email you received to the name of the Alerts.  It sounds like this rule is set up to send to the "Contact in Column," but if it's set up to send a to individual email addresses, I'd recommend checking to make sure yours still appears there.

    If it's set to send to "Contact in Column" like you're mentioning, you could test to see if it will still work by assigning yourself a test task or making a test change on the sheet (you'll want to make sure you're set up to receive email notifications of your own changes).

    Please let me know if you're still running into trouble with this; if so, could I have you show me a screenshot of the alert rule that you unsubscribed from so that I can set up a test?

    Kind regards,


    Smartsheet Support

  • Nasir@EBC
    Nasir@EBC ✭✭✭


    You can easily resolve it if you have access to the workflow which had sent the notification through which you had Unsubscribed to it. 

    Just clone the existing workflow and delete the old one. 

    That's it! You will start receiving the notifications again. 

    Hope this helps! 
