Alert and Request for Update
Estou automatizando as etapas de solicitação e lembrete de atualização para atualizar minhas atividades. A planilha não está compartilhada, mas habilitei as permissões de alerta para as menos restritivas. A coluna do indicador de ações e alertas aparece no símbolo do lembrete e está em status pendente, mas não está…
signing smartsheet input forms
Does anyone know how to sign input Smartsheet forms? I know that Smartsheet and Docusign integrates. However, I'm not sure how that would work in input forms.
Notification of Assignee when predecessor is 75% complete
All My project team members want to have "look ahead " insight into tasks they have upcoming. Is there a way to notify the assignee of the successor task when the predecessor is 75% complete, or x number of days from completion. Currently they receive the notification the day the task is to start. Any suggestions are…
Equipment Check-out...
Has anyone implemented a sheet for use as an equipment check-out form? That is a web form that is filled out by the user which allows them to select from a database of available equipment and indicate the length of use in days? I think I could do that with a column dropdown list populated with the items that are available.…
Configure Form
* How to configure the selection of two or more options within a single question.
Template Smartsheet
ID request row: * Within my Smartsheet template I have a field called Type Request: which contains the options to select: new request or change request. I need to relate all the changes that are generated for that project within the same ID request.
Configure Form
Hi, needed your help, i have a questions: * Is it possible that a collaborator enters the form the Smartsheet automatic detect it, take his name or mail and shows it inside the form?
Configure Form
Go to section according to the answer within the form: How to configure within the form the possibility of showing a question, based on a previous answer?
Nested IF/AND formula
I am new to smartsheets and I am having a hard time with a formula, hopefully someone can help me. I am trying to create a formula that will indicate the status of a task based on the following condition: * whether the task is completed or action is required * whether the task is at risk or not To conclude this is what I…
Assigned to limitation
Hi Everyone, Do you know if it is possible to assign the same task to many users ? or a group of user ? Thanks Olivier